The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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TO: INTEGRA COMPUTING, 910 Cobb Place Manor Dr., Marietta, GA 30066 BPP 6.5
Name __________________________________________________________
Firm Name __________________________________ Phone ________________
Address __________________________________________________________
City _________________ State ___ Zip _______ County ________
# Professionals _____ # Employees ____ Type of Practice ________________
I first heard of Integra Computing from ___________________________________
Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
Send registered copies of the following:
___ copies of BillPower Plus at $150 [+ $200 EXTRA to get 4 hr support]* $_____
To have programs supplied on 3.5" media, enclose $5.00 extra PER PROGRAM $_____
If you don't live in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, please add $10.00 more $_____
___% Sales Tax for ___________ county, if you're a GA resident $_____
Please enclose a CHECK or MONEY ORDER in US dollars -- GRAND TOTAL $_____
(purchase orders unaccompanied by actual payments won't be accepted)
Credit card orders and purchase orders which are
not accompanied by payment will not be accepted.
A check or money order must show on its face the
name & address of a US bank that will accept it.
I have read and agreed to all the terms of the Disclaimer found below.
_______________________________________ _________________
* Telephone support will be provided if you pre-purchase it with this order
form. Such support must be used within a year. When you need assistance, you
may reach Integra Computing (404-426-5735) most weekdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm,
Eastern Time. Because so much time is required to respond to mailed correspon-
dence, letters requesting assistance may not be answered. If you need help,
call -- don't write. But please don't even call unless you've pre-purchased
support with this order form; if you call without having prepaid for support,
each call will cost you a minimum of $15, plus $1.50 per minute.
BillPower, TickleX, MT-Tracker, PopForm, ReSearch, Nifty, RAMdesk, and
their documentation are copyrighted in 1985 to 1992 by R.A. Kelly. You may
use any program on as many computers as you like, as long as it is never ins-
talled with a SERIAL NUMBER (provided to you when you register as a user) on
more than one computer at a time and as long as you do not alter the program in
any way. You may distribute any of these programs to potential new users, pro-
vided that you never divulge your SERIAL NUMBER to anyone, that you charge no
fee for the program, and that you do not bundle it with (or use it as an incen-
tive to purchase or lease) any other product or service, without the written
consent of R.A. Kelly. All rights not expressly granted above are reserved in
R.A. Kelly.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
SETTING UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
MAIN MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
CASE MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
SERVICES/FEES MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
DISBURSEMENTS MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
RECEIPTS MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
ADJUSTMENT MODULE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
GENERAL LEDGER MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
BILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
NOTE MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
PEOPLE MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
UTILITIES MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
BILLPOWER ON A LOCAL AREA NETWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
USING BILLPOWER WITH MICROSOFT WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
POP-UP BILLPOWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
If you're using an unregistered copy of the program,
it will begin to beep at you in several weeks, reminding
you that it's time to register. Don't worry -- no data
will be destroyed, and you'll be able to use the prog-
ram, despite the fact that you delay registering.
BillPower is a timekeeping, billing and bookkeeping program de-
signed specifically for small firms. It will track time worked on
professional matters and calculate the amount owed by each client. It
will also keep up with receipts and disbursements, and it will main-
tain such accounts as you wish, allowing you to carry out simple book-
keeping functions. Perhaps most importantly, it will automatically
compile service, disbursement, and receipt transactions for each cli-
ent into monthly bills. And, for your convenience, the program may be
used as either a stand-alone system or as a RAM-resident "pop-up"
that will allow your access even while you're in the middle of using
another program (see the POP-UP BILLPOWER section).
BillPower is a member of the "ManageX" series of productivity-
enhancing software. As such, it must reside in a MANAGEX directory on
your hard disk.
If you are already familiar with computer accounting programs,
you may be in for a shock, because BillPower represents an entirely
new approach to various aspects of bookkeeping. BillPower is far more
flexible than other programs which lock you into an electronic version
of ancient manual accounting procedures. If you are an "old hand" at
bookkeeping, then open your mind to a different system which does not
require monthly "postings" or year-end "close-outs"; one that never
destroys old data from past months in the interest of consolidation.
While other time and billing programs may offer "links" to exter-
nal accounting software, BillPower completely integrates its bookkeep-
ing functions into the rest of the program. BillPower Plus can, in
fact, SIMULTANEOUSLY update affected G/L accounts (as well as a cli-
ent's balance and aged receivables) at the time that a disbursement or
receipt is entered. This "real-time" approach to bookkeeping, vir-
tually unprecedented in a time and billing program, saves you the time
you would otherwise spend making duplicate G/L entries, posting trans-
actions, and/or transferring files from one program to another. With
BillPower, a SINGLE entry can handle all the updating that needs to be
done. No other program offers such a degree of integration.
BillPower is designed as a unique "free entry" system. You may,
for instance, open accounts at will, any time you want. If, several
months after having established your chart of accounts, you discover
that you need to add a new account, you may easily do so. With Bill-
Power, you may also correct nearly ANY entry made at ANY time in the
past. Assume, for instance, that you wish to modify the service des-
cription or charge appearing on a time slip that was entered three or
four months ago. While some other office management systems would
require the awkward procedure of entering a corrective time slip to
offset the faulty one, BillPower allows you to follow your natural in-
clination: simply calling the erroneous time slip to the screen and
editing it. That keeps your files uncluttered and your reports and
bills neat.
Also unique is BillPower's ability to re-prepare bills. Other
programs won't redo a client's bill after transactions for that client
have been "posted" or "closed out", since these procedures often in-
volve the subsequent destruction of those transactions' data. Posting
and closing out are tedious bookkeeping procedures which are necessary
with manual systems, and which have been emulated in many computer
accounting programs. BillPower, however, has been designed to capi-
talize upon the power of the computer. It will automatically update
all data as each transaction is entered into the computer. No time-
consuming posting or close-out procedures are required, and there is
no data destruction; therefore, you may re-prepare bills that may be
even several months old. If a client asks you to correct and re-sub-
mit a bill, it's no problem with BillPower.
BillPower's aged receivables are also more meaningful than other
programs'. Other programs might report aging periods of "0-30 days",
"31-60 days", etc. These periods are typically figured backward in
time, beginning with the latest posting date. If you haven't posted
for some time, you will find yourself doing mental gymnastics to cal-
culate how the aging periods relate to the CURRENT date (who really
cares about the last posting date?). With BillPower, which does not
require posting, the aging periods are reported as "OwedSince FEB",
"OwedSince JAN", "OwedSince DEC", etc. Hence, you know at a glance
how much of the money CURRENTLY owed you has been owed since the end
of each month shown in the receivables report.
BillPower is based upon the proposition that it is usually best
to send a statement to each client at some regular interval, preferab-
ly every month. Even when nothing is due from the client for work
done during that period, a statement should be sent, if for no other
reason, to let him know that you're still thinking of him. With this
principle in mind, you may select a regular billing interval of 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, or 6 months for each client, though, for simplicity's sake,
you are urged to use the one-month interval for as many of your cli-
ents as you can.
Even if a case or project is a fixed fee or contingency one, a
statement should be sent to the client on a regular basis before the
case has been completed, so that he may have an ongoing appreciation
of all that you are doing for him. It takes only about a minute for
BillPower to prepare the bill. Your investment in time, paper and
postage will be insignificant in comparison to the payoff resulting
from keeping each client informed of what you're doing.
BillPower can handle any combination of the following:
15 timekeepers/employees (partners, secretaries, and others);
4000 cases/projects;
4000 accounts; and
8000 transaction entries per month (services, disbursements, etc).
Each client may be set up for either "Periodic" or "Occasional"
billing. The vast majority of your clients will probably be ones whom
you want to bill on a regular basis (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly,
etc.). These should be set up for Periodic billing, whereas those few
clients that are to be billed haphazardly, or only once, may be as-
signed to Occasional billing.
BillPower is unique in that it allows you to prepare bills for
the same period many times, not just once. Each bill sent out for any
period of time reflects the most current status of the client's ac-
count with you for that period. Correcting and re-submitting bills to
your clients present no problem to BillPower.
Periodic Billing
There is a nominal "minimum" period for which a client set up for
Periodic billing will be be billed: one calendar month. Each bill
will include all transactions from the beginning of the first month
covered by the bill to the end of the last month covered. A bill may
be re-prepared for the same calendar month (or months) several times.
For example, if it were now January 15, and you wanted to send Mr.
Smith's bill for work done so far this month, the bill prepared by
BillPower would cover all work done during the entire month of January
(the beginning of the first month covered by the bill is January 1,
and the end of the last month covered is January 31). However, since
no work will have been done after the fifteenth, the bill will effec-
tively be one for only the period from January 1 to January 15.
If, in February, you had some reason to prepare another January
bill for Mr. Smith, that bill would also show work done during the
entire month. Included on the second January bill would be 1) a recap
of what had already been shown on the previous January bill and 2) a
listing of what, if anything, had been done from the 16th to the 31st.
You may not request a bill for only the period from January 16 to Jan-
uary 31, since, as mentioned above, the minimum billing period is one
calendar month. But don't worry. Mr. Smith will NOT be charged again
for the work already reflected in the first bill. The second bill
will SHOW that work for a second time (as a recap), but will not
CHARGE him a second time for it. Of course, if Mr. Smith had sent any
payments since the first bill was mailed, those payments would also be
reflected on the second bill.
Clients set up for Periodic billing must be billed at least once
every nine months. As long as you run at least one mass billing per
month, BillPower will insure that at no Periodic client goes too long
without a bill.
Occasional Billing
There is no minimum billing period for clients set up for Occa-
sional billing. If you wish, you may prepare one bill today, another
tomorrow, another next week, and yet another eight months from now.
Each bill will contain only those transactions falling AFTER the date
of the last transaction on the preceding bill. As is the case with
Periodic clients, current and previous bills may be re-prepared as
The advantage of Occasional billing is that you may allow as much
time as you wish to elapse between bills (while nine months is the
maximum for clients billed Periodically). One disadvantage is that
BillPower will not automatically compute a client's interest, taxes,
or monthly retainer fee (as it would if the client were set up for
Periodic billing). And, while clients set up for Occasional billing
will be included in mass billings (along with Periodic clients), they
can't be RE-BILLED en masse (as can be done with clients set up for
Periodic billing). Thus, if you've already prepared actual (final)
bills for a given period of time, and then for some reason need to re-
do those bills, your Periodic clients may be handled with a mass bil-
ling. Your Occasional clients may also be re-billed, but you must
handle each individually.
The Best Billing Method
By far the simplest billing method is Periodic. It assumes that
most of your clients are the sort that should be billed regularly. And it
requires that you have the discipline to set aside a few hours at the
beginning of each month to do your billing for the prior month. Don't
do sporadic billing unless it's absolutely necessary. The scattergun
approach is an awful time waster.
Still, you may have a few clients for which regular billing is
not appropriate. These clients should be set up for Occasional bil-
ling, unless you need to have BillPower automatically calculate inter-
est, taxes or monthly retainer fees. And if you think you lack the
discipline to stick to a regular billing schedule, you might consider
billing ALL your clients with the Occasional method.
Automatic Adjustment of Billing Periods
A mentioned previously, BillPower is unusaual in its ability to
accept new or changed transactions for dates anytime in the past and
to re-prepare old bills. But there's an effect you may not have
Let's say that the current month is March and that you've already
prepared a bill for each of January and February. Now, for some rea-
son, you want to enter a new transaction with a January date. Doing
so will, of course, change January's balance forwarded to February
(and February's to March). Since this complication doesn't even occur
to most users, BillPower has to somehow account for the changes auto-
What BillPower does is to assume that you'll want the next bill
prepared (March's) to reflect the new January entry. The only way to
do so is to insure that the bill includes everything entered since
January. Therefore, the bill prepared for March will actually be one
for January, February and March. Normally, a March bill will contain
only transactions entered for March, but, in this case, BillPower has
found it necessary to also include a recap of January and February.
In this fashion, BillPower attempts to insure that your clients are
apprised of changes made in prior months' data.
BillPower consists of the following files:
BP.BAT the batch file used to load BillPower
BILLPOWR.EXE the main program file
BILLPOWR.OVR overlays for the main program
EDIT.EXE an ASCII text editor
________.LBF major data files maintained by the program
________.LBI indices to the major data files
________.HLP help files accessed when you press the F1 key
________.LTR files that contain the text portions of bills
________.DAT miscellaneous minor data files
BillPower considers each matter handled by the firm to be a
"case", unless you customize the program to use another term, such as
"project" (see the CUSTOMIZING THE PROGRAM section below). If you do
select another term, you'll have to mentally translate these instruc-
tions wherever the term "case" appears.
Each case will be assigned a Case Name, a Case Number and a "Mas-
terRcrd" Number. The Case Name is simply a convenient name by which
you can recognize the case, such as "Smith Project" or "State v. Wil-
liams". The Case Number is used by the program to locate the case re-
cord in the computer's data files. It may be in the same format as
that used by your firm to manually file the paperwork pertaining to
that case. The MasterRcrd Number is used to link up to 500 subordin-
ate case records to their master record.
Each case is subordinate to its master. If a case is indepen-
dent (that is, not subordinate to another), then it is its OWN mas-
ter, and its Case Number and MasterRcrd Number will be the same. If,
however, it is subordinate to another, then the other's Case Number
will be the subordinate's MasterRcrd Number. For example, if case
number 2 were subordinate to case number 1, then case 2's MasterRcrd
Number would be "1" (case 1, being its own master, would also be as-
signed MasterRcrd Number 1).
When would you want to subordinate one case to another? Assume
that you and Mr. Smith had a retainer agreement whereby he would pay
you $150 per month for any services he needed from you at any time.
You might set up a case record with the Case Name, "Smith Retainer"
and the Case Number, "SMITJO1". If Mr. Smith subsequently asked you
to help him with a building contract, you might do one of two things.
One would be to charge the time you spend working on the contract to
the "Smith Retainer" (SMITJO1) case.
The other would be to establish a separate case record, perhaps
named "Smith Contract" and possibly numbered "SMITJO2". If you wanted
to make sure that both Mr. Smith's cases were linked for easy subse-
quent identification, you would assign to the new SMITJO2 case the
MasterRcrd Number, "SMITJO1". A graphic representation of this mas-
ter-subordinate relationship follows:
Case #: SmitJo1
Case Name: Smith Retainer
Case #: SmitJo1 MasterRcrd #: SmitJo1
Case Name: Smith Retainer
MasterRcrd #: SmitJo1 Case #: SmitJo2
Case Name: Smith Contract
MasterRcrd #: SmitJo1
As can be seen, the SMITJO1 case is its own master, and it also acts
as a master for the SMITJO2 case. In the future, whenever you want to
look through ALL of Mr. Smith's cases, it will be easy, because they
all have the same MasterRcrd Number. MasterRcrd Numbers LINK several
cases together for future reference.
Now, on to a related matter. Unlike some other programs, Bill-
Power does not require you to set up a separate "client record" before
you open any case (or "matter") records for the client. Each Bill-
Power case record contains both matter AND client information. Hence,
if you have a client for whom you do not expect to be handling more
than one matter, you need open only ONE record (a case record) for
him, rather than TWO (a client record and a matter record). If, sub-
sequent to your having opened that single record for him, the client
comes to you with more work, you may either: 1) do that additional
work under the same case already opened, or 2) set up another case for
him. If you do the latter, you may, though you do not HAVE to, link
the two cases by making the first record the second's MasterRcrd.
Though BillPower does not REQUIRE you to do so, you may set up
something comparable to a separate "client record" for each client
before opening actual cases for him. To do so, you would actually set
up a "case" record for the client and use it as a MasterRcrd for the
several matters that you handle for him. After all, a "client record"
does nothing more than link several cases together under one client,
and a BillPower MasterRcrd can serve the same function. You would
tell BillPower that this record is intended to serve as a simple cli-
ent record by beginning its "case" name with an asterisk. An example
of a "client" record follows:
Case #: SmitJo1
Case Name: Smith Retainer
Case #: SmitJo MasterRcrd #: SmitJo
Case Name: *John Smith Cases
MasterRcrd #: SmitJo Case #: SmitJo2
Case Name: Smith Contract
MasterRcrd #: SmitJo
In the above example, the SMITJO record is a "client" record,
which contains only the client's name, address, salutation, bil-
ling interval, responsible employee and a "case" name beginning with
an asterisk (any other information filled in will be disregarded by
BillPower, since this is only a "client", not a real "case", record).
Control Characters
On-screen instructions will frequently instruct you to press con-
trol characters. A control character is represented graphically as a
letter preceded by an up caret (eg: ^A or ^H). If you are instructed
to press a control character, you must hold the Ctrl key down, while
simultaneously pressing the appropriate letter key. For example, to
press ^O, hold down the Ctrl key and tap the "O" (or "o") key. Do not
actually press the up caret key; the up carrot is used merely as a
graphic representation of the control key.
Pausing and Aborting
When you find the computer in the middle of some lengthy proce-
dure, such as printing a report, and you want to pause, press the
space bar. Doing so will cause the process to stop until you press
the space bar again. This use of the space bar will not work in all
of the program's operational modes, but it will in most. Pressing the
space bar will often take a few seconds to have an effect, so be pa-
If, instead of wishing that the computer pause in the middle of a
procedure, you prefer to abort that procedure altogether, press ESC
(the Escape key). As with the space bar, this key may not work in all
parts of the program, and it may take a few seconds to have effect.
Printer Toggling and Writing Reports to a Disk File
Whenever you are about to have a report printed on the screen,
and you would prefer that it be printed on your printer, press ALT-P
(that is, hold down the ALT key and tap "P") just before the report
preparation begins. ALT-P is the printing toggle, and it turns the
flow of data to the printer on and off. You may alternatively send
the data to a disk file, instead of the printer, by pressing ALT-F (in
place of ALT-P). The file created or appended, named "TEXT.MX", may
then be modified with most any text editor capable of handling indus-
try-standard ASCII characters. Writing reports to the disk is useful
if you need to make unusual changes. And you may wish to occasionally
write a bill to the disk, so that you can modify it with your word
processor before having it printed.
Certain accounts are opened and maintained automatically by Bill-
Power. These are each case's balance due and aged receivable ac-
counts. In order to see one of these accounts' status, you need sim-
ply (E)dit/Examine the appropriate case's record, as explained in the
CASE module section.
Some accounts, however, will NOT be automatically opened by the
program. You will have open them, yourself, in the GENERAL LEDGER
module. These discretionary accounts may include case retainer and
trust accounts, as well as escrow, checking, and ANY other type of
account you can think of. BillPower will track up to 4000 such ac-
The EDIT Program
There are a few files which will need to be created or modified
by BillPower's text editor, EDIT, before you can realize the full pot-
ential of the program. For instance, you will certainly want to cus-
tomize the return address file, so that your correct return address
will be reflected on bills prepared by BillPower. You will have to
set up these files only once, unless you wish to subsequently modify
EDIT manipulates simple industry-standard ASCII code. An extra
facility is the ability to embed printer codes in the text prepared
with EDIT. If, for instance, you want your printer to switch to let-
ter-quality mode when it prepares bills, you could place the appro-
priate printer code (available in your printer's manual) at the top of
the return address file. To embed any control character (such as the
escape character), press ^P first. For instance, to embed "esc N",
actually enter "^P esc N".
You may access EDIT from BillPower's MAIN MENU by pressing ^E.
Incidentally, you may also access it directly from the DOS prompt by
entering "EDIT".
Deciding which module to use
Use of BillPower requires your understanding its basic modular
organization. Each choice in the MAIN MENU corresponds to a different
module. There is a SERVICE/FEE module, a BILLS module, a DISBURSE-
MENTS module, and so on. Whenever you want to do ANYTHING in this
program, you should go to the module whose subject matter most prob-
ably encompasses what you want to do. For instance, to run a report
showing all your services performed during any period, you would go to
the SERVICES/FEES module, not to the BILLS module or CASES module.
There may be times when your first guess as to the proper module is
incorrect. In that case, take a second guess, and you'll be right.
It is important that you clearly distinguish among the concepts
of a disbursement, a receipt, and a service/fee. If you do not un-
derstand the differences among them, you will make entries into the
wrong modules.
A service is an amount of WORK performed for a client. A fee is
an amount charged to the client for services performed. Both services
and fees are entered in BillPower's SERVICE/FEE module.
A disbursement is an amount ADVANCED or PAID BY YOU for some-
thing. It must be entered in the DISBURSEMENTS module. If, for in-
stance, you have paid court costs of $55, this expenditure is a dis-
bursement. Do not enter it on a time slip in the SERVICE/FEE module.
A receipt is a sum of money PAID TO YOU. It is not a disburse-
ment (which is a sum paid BY you). BillPower considers receipts to be
income, not expenses. Do not enter into the RECEIPTS module any items
purchased by you, since these purchases are properly entered into the
Receipts are often a source of confusion. Remember that they are
money PAID TO YOU, that is, money that you intend to put into YOUR
coffers. Money given to you in trust is NOT a receipt. If a client
gives you $100 and you intend to put it into trust for him, DO NOT
enter it as a receipt. That $100 should be registered with BillPower
in the GENERAL LEDGER module, where you can follow trusts, escrows,
retainers, and other types of accounts. That $100 is not meant to be
a present payment to you for past or future services; rather, it is
meant to be placed into trust for the client (in the GENERAL LEDGER
module). At some future time, you might withdraw part or all of it
from the trust account as a payment to you, but, until that time, it
is not a RECEIPT; it is merely money given to you in trust. Remember,
money given to you is a RECEIPT only if it is going directly into YOUR
Likewise, a disbursement is money paid by YOU, from YOUR FIRM's
accounts, not from a trust account. DO NOT enter as a disbursement
any payment from a trust account. Remember, it is not a disbursement
unless it comes from your firm's own funds. Money taken out of a
trust account is NOT a disbursement, as BillPower understands the term
-- it is simply a withdrawal of money from an account, to be handled
in the GENERAL LEDGER module, not the DISBURSEMENTS module.
The first thing you must do to get BillPower into operation is to
make sure that all the files found on the distribution disks are put
into the ManageX subdirectory of your hard disk.
When you've done that, you will be ready for the next few para-
graphs' CAUTION. Remember that disk data is easily corrupted or des-
troyed. Therefore, you should be aware of the need to make backup
copies of your data on a daily basis.
Integra recommends that you keep at least two separate sets of
backup disks for your data. Label the disks in one set "odd" and the
other "even". On odd dates, use the "odd" disks for backups, and on
even dates use the "even" ones. In this way, even in the event that
one of your backups sets fails, you will still have the other contain-
ing data no more than two or three working days old. You should also
have another set that you use for weekly backups and yet another for
monthly backups.
Note that, as your data base grows over time, you will have to
add more backup disks. When you start out, you'll probably need only
one disk in each of your ODD and EVEN sets. But, as time goes by,
you may end up with as many as three or four backups per set. If
your data base grows beyond that, you may decide to erase some
files from the hard disk.
Before you erase ANY records, you should re-label your
most recent set of backup disks as "archives", to be stored
perpetually. You should indicate on them the months whose
data they contain. Then, start a new set of backups (to
take the place of the ones converted to archive use). Bac-
kup disks are to be used regularly. Archives are to be
stored permanently, so that, if ever needed, you will be
able to retrieve data long ago deleted from the hard disk,
and no longer being backed up on the backups.
NEVER, NEVER erase any data files until you have first
designated your most recent backups disks as archive disks.
They must not take the place of archives made earlier; rather,
they should be ADDED TO your archive collection.
Now that all the BillPower files are located on the ManageX sub-
directory, you should move to that subdirectory to use the program.
To start the program, enter "BP" (or "BP MR" for memory-resident
service) at the keyboard.
You must be sure that you are in the hard disk ManageX
If you wish to access BillPower from a batch file lo-
cated in another subdirectory, you must put BP.BAT into
that other subdirectory and erase it from the ManageX sub-
directory. Use EDIT to modify the subdirectory refer-
ences at the top and bottom of the BP.BAT file. Do not
change BP.BAT's name, and make sure that the subdirectory
that contains it is in the DOS path. NEVER rename BP.BAT
(BillPower must always be entered from a batch file called
"BP.BAT"), and make no modifications other than to change
its references to subdirectories at the top and bottom of
the file.
If this is your first use of the program, one of the first
screens that appears will contain a series of prompts whose purpose is
to find out how your computer system is configured and how you want
BillPower to work for you.
Period during which no interest will be charged
This figure is the number of days after a bill is sent that you
will allow a client as a grace period before interest is charged. If
you don't intend to charge interest, this figure is irrelevant, and
you may ignore the prompt by simply pressing RET.
As you set up each case's record, you will have the opportunity
to enter a monthly rate at which interest will be charged the client
(if no interest is to be charged, you may just enter "0" at that
time). When that case's monthly bills are prepared, interest will be
charged at that rate for all sums from the previous bill which have
still not been paid. HOWEVER, no interest will be charged unless the
number of days designated here have elapsed between the invoice date
of the previous bill and the invoice date of the new bill being pre-
Let us say, for example, that you enter 30 interest-free days
here. Let us also presume that the client's balance due on the last
bill is $100 and that he has paid only $50 since that bill was sent.
You are now preparing the next month's bill. If only 30 days have
elapsed between the last bill's invoice date and this one's, no in-
terest will be charged on the $50 still owed from last month. If,
however, at least 31 days have elapsed, the interest will be charged
on the basis of the following calculation:
$ 50.00 (still owed)
x interest rate for that case
x number of months entered between the last bill's
and this new one's statement dates.
= interest
Lines printed per page on printer
Most printers are pre-set for 66 rows, unless you change their
default settings. BillPower also assumes a default value of 66, unless
you change that assumption here. If you are using standard letter-
sized paper, and if your printer uses a spacing of 6 lines to the
inch, you do not need to change this value.
If you have a laser printer, you should enter "LASER" at this
item. Doing so will tell BillPower that your printer will handle all
the line counting, itself.
Lines from paper top to letterhead bottom
If you will not be using letterhead paper, skip this item. If,
however, BillPower will be printing statements onto private letterhead
paper, it must know how far down the page to begin printing. Measure
the distance from the top of the page to the bottom of the letterhead
as accurately as possible. Then enter the number of lines (at 6
lines to the inch) that can be printed in that space. For instance,
if the distance were 2.2 inches, you would enter "13" (for "13
Printer Initialization Code
You may need to refer to your printer's manual for this data,
which is NOT essential for using BillPower. Therefore, if you're new
to computing, you may want to skip this item for now (by pressing
RET), and come back at some later date (after you've had more exper-
ience with your computer and printer).
You will almost certainly want reports prepared on your printer
to be centered. However, some printers are incapable of centering
paper on the platen. If you have one of these printers, it must be
sent a special code to make it begin printing each line further to the
right than usual. BillPower will send this code if you will tell it
here exactly what the code your specific printer expects for a Left
Margin change.
You might also change fonts (to, perhaps, Elite) by sending a
Your printer's manual contains the proper code instructions.
Make sure that the code you supply is a DECIMAL code, not a HEXADECI-
MAL code. Fifteen spaces allows you to enter five 3-digit numbers in
sequence. Make sure that each number constituting the code is rep-
resented as a 3-digit decimal (eg: 52 should be entered as "052", and
1 should be entered as "001").
The code you enter need not actually fill fifteen spaces if few-
er are needed. Assume, for instance, that you have an Epson printer
and that you need to move the margin to the right 4 spaces. To do
so, you must enter nine digits: "027108052". The "027" translates to
the ESC key; "108" translates to "l"; and "052" means a 4-space mar-
gin ("053" would be a 5-space margin).
Incidentally, what has been described above will probably work
just fine for reports. But a mere five decimal codes may not be
enough for the potentially elaborate printer formatting you may want
to do for bills.
To further customize your printing for bills, use EDIT to embed
printer control codes at the top of the return address file (M-
RETADD.LTR). To do so, you have to enter the actual characters, NOT
decimal codes, needed to change the printer's characteristics. If you
want to enter a control character, press ^P first. When you press ^P,
nothing will appear on the screen, but EDIT will be primed to assume
that the NEXT key pressed is a control key combination. Assume, for
instance, that you need to embed "ESC Q" in the file. To do so, you
would actually enter "^P ESC Q", not just "ESC Q". Note that the ESC
key an other control characters may appear as peculiar symbols on your
You may intersperse different printer format codes at different
places in your return address file in order to achieve a variety of
fonts on the same bill. You may also place codes into the bill open-
ing and closing paragraph files, as well as in each signature block
As you can see, BillPower offers you an enormous range of printer
formatting flexibility. But you must know how to use your printer's
codes in order to tap into this power.
Indent used for client addresses on bills
BillPower will normally print a bill's client address at the left
margin (column 0). If your paper is centered in the printer when
bills are prepared, this positioning should allow the address to show
through the window in a standard envelope. If, however, you wish to
move the address to the right, you may designate another column. It
is recommended that you leave this figure zero until you attempt to
prepare bills and determine that you need to change it. To change
this indent (or any of these other setup items) at a later date, you
need simply select the (^C)ustomize option from the MAIN MENU.
Account automatically adjusted for disbursements and receipts
BillPower Plus offers simple integrated accounting functions.
One way this can be achieved is to allow you to designate the account
you want affected whenever you spend or receive money. If you've
opened that account with BillPower, the program will automatically
withdraw the amount of any disbursement you make from that account,
saving you the time of making a separate account-adjusting entry.
Likewise, whenever you make a receipt, a deposit to the designated
account will automatically occur.
Assume that you always want your checking account to be adjusted
for disbursements and receipts, and that you have opened such an ac-
count in the General Ledger module, assigning it the account number,
"CHECK". If you enter "CHECK" at the cursor here, the CHECK account
will be the one adjusted for disbursements and receipts. Of course,
you should insure that you have previously opened the CHECK account in
the General Ledger module.
If you make an entry here, every time you enter a receipt or dis-
bursement, you'll be afforded the opportunity to enter up to two ac-
counts to be automatically adjusted. One of these account will al-
ready be filled in (with "CHECK", for example), leaving you one more
to enter if you are interested in making a "double entry" to keep your
books balanced.
If you make NO entry here, you will not be given the chance to
enter any account information when you make a receipt or disbursement
If you like the idea of having the automated double entry option
available when you enter disbursements or receipts, but don't want the
same account (eg: CHECK) every time, you should enter "NUL" here.
"NUL" tells BillPower that you want to make use of the program's doub-
le entry facilities, but don't want the SAME account adjusted for ALL
disbursements and receipts.
See the GENERAL LEDGER section for more details.
Minimum time charged on Time Slips
If your firm charges clients for a minimum amount of time when-
ever work is done in their behalf, enter the number of minutes here.
For instance, if you always charge clients for at least a quarter-
hour of work whenever you speak to them on the phone or handle any
matter for them, you should enter "15" here (a quarter-hour is fif-
teen minutes). If you don't have a minimum time that you charge
clients, just leave this item as zero. Of course, the entry made
here will affect only cases that are to be charged by the hour, not
contingency, fixed fee, or monthly retainer cases.
Screen Colors
You'll see this prompt only if you have a color video board.
Press "M", "S", or "B" until the color combination you want appears.
Employees and their charge rates
Three timekeepers are allowed in BillPower, while BillPower Plus
allows fifteen. For each one, you may enter his/her initials and up
to 6 hourly rates, which the program will use to compute client
Tax on services
There is another item you may customize, but it's needed so rare-
ly that it's not shown on the CUSTOMIZING screen. This item is a tax
on services.
If services in your area are taxed, you will want BillPower to
automatically compute the tax for you when it prepares bills. To tell
BillPower what your local tax on services is, exit the program at your
earliest convenience. Then, re-enter it typing at the DOS prompt,
"BILLPOWR x ?.???", where "?.???" is your local tax. You need do this
only once; from then, on, BillPower should be loaded with the command,
"BP" (or "BP MR").
Using a term other than "case"
If you wish to substitute another term for "case", you'll need to
alter the BP.BAT file with EDIT.EXE (Ctrl-E from the Main Menu). Find
the line that says "billpowr" and change it to "billpowr x x x Project",
"billpowr x x x Job", or "billpowr x x x File", depending upon which
term you wish to take the place of "case".
Using 24-hr time and non-dollar monetary symbols
BillPower normally uses 12-hr time whenever you enter a timeslip.
If you would prefer to use 24-hr time, you'll need to alter the BP.BAT
file (see "Using a term other than 'case'", above). The 11th param-
eter on the "billpowr" line should be "24hr". Example:
"billpowr x x x File x x x x x x 24hr"
To use a monetary symbol other than the dollar sign, the 1st parameter
should be the three-digit decimal code that your computer recognizes
for the desired symbol. If, for instance, you wish to use the letter
"R" (ASCII decimal code 082), the "billpowr" line might read,
"billpowr 082 x x x x x x x x x 24hr"
Using BillPower with desqVIEW
Finally, if you use desqVIEW, you should add a line at the bottom
of the BP.BAT file, saying "EXIT"
Wrapping up the Installation
You will next be asked whether you need to change any of the
information you have just entered. If you press "Y", you will be
taken back to the first prompt to start over again. If you press
"N", you will be asked to confirm today's date. If the date dis-
played is correct, just press RET. If the date is wrong, you may use
the cursor control keys to highlight the proper date and then press
BillPower is designed to be used on a regular basis.
If you indicate that today is a date much different from
the last date that the program was used, BillPower will
assume that you have made a mistake. The program won't
believe you of you tell it that today is 28 or more days
later than the date on which it was last used; nor will
it accept that today is in a month prior to the month in
which it was last used. Thanks to this date checking,
you're not likely to make gross errors in entering dates.
In addition to using the cursor control keys to enter highlight
dates on the pop-up calendar, you may also enter them manually. One
of three formats must be used. For an example of each, assume that
today is December 1, 1989. You could enter it as "1 DEC 89",
"12/01/89", or "120189".
Here it should be noted that there are many places in the program
where you will be asked to enter a "Mon Yr" (translation: month and
year). When you come to such a place, simply enter the first three
characters of the month, then enter a space, and finally enter the
last two digits of the year. For example, December 1989's "Mon Yr" is
"Dec 89".
After you have entered the date, BillPower will double-check it
and then begin confirming the existence of data files. If this is
your first use of BillPower, no data files will exist yet, so you will
be asked whether you want to create them. The specific prompt ap-
pearing on the screen will be, "[month] files do not exist -- create
them?" Answer Yes by pressing "Y", unless, for some reason you do
NOT want to create new files for the month.
Next, a message will appear, asking, "Do you want to erase any
old data from the hard disk?" This message will appear only during
each month's FIRST USE of BillPower. Keeping some old files may be
useful for referencing data from previous months, but how many old
files you preserve depends upon how much hard disk space you are wil-
ling to devote to BillPower, and how much you need for other uses. It
is recommended that you keep a minimum of a year's-worth of data on
the hard disk.
If this is your first use of BillPower, there are no old files,
and you may, therefore, answer the question by pressing the "N" key
(for "No, I do not want to..."). But before you do, please read on,
so that you will gain an understanding of what to do when you reach
this point in the coming months.
Setting up files for a new month
Some files used by BillPower keep track of perpetual information
which must be consistent from month to month. These perpetual files
will be automatically updated by BillPower at the appropriate times.
Other files, however, are month-specific. These specialized files
will be created "from scratch" each month, and they'll hold that
month's services, disbursements, receipts, adjustments and notes.
They all have names beginning with the name of the month to which they
If you want to clear up some hard disk space by erasing old
monthly files, and if you have not already taken care of that matter,
press "Y" when asked whether you want to erase some old data. Make
sure, however, that you have floppy archive copies of the files about
to be erased. You never know when you may need to retrieve some old
data which has been deleted from the hard disk. If you have not made
the archives AND prepared ALL bills which will draw upon data compiled
during the months you are considering deleting, you should NOT delete
those months' files.
After BillPower has erased whatever files you specified (if any),
it will create this month's new files and take you to the MAIN MENU.
The MAIN MENU reflects the structure of the program. Look at it
closely. The message at the bottom requests that you press one of the
letters in parentheses. If you wish deal with a case (or job/project)
simply press "C" to go to the CASE module. Once there, you will be
presented with a similar CASE MENU. The menu in each module is simi-
lar to those in all the others.
To manipulate information within data records, press the appro-
priate key indicated in parentheses. For instance, to go to the
(R)eceipt file to enter, change, or otherwise manipulate information
within one of its records, you would press "R". To enter or manipu-
late a (N)ote, press "N". Bills and most of the "enter/manipulate"
options shown in the center of the screen have separate sections of
these instructions devoted to them; the remaining options are dis-
cussed below.
This option takes you to the UTILITIES module, where you can do
several useful things, such as erasing files and and sorting trans-
actions chronologically. Please see the UTILITIES MODULE section for
This option allows you to alter the parameters (such as the text
color) you established when you initially entered the program. See
the CUSTOMIZING THE PROGRAM section (above) for details.
This option will take you directly into the EDIT program. There,
you can alter many files, including those used for the opening and
closing paragraphs on bills, signature blocks, your income-expense
categories, your chart of accounts, and your return address.
This option allows you to exit the program. Upon leaving Bill-
Power, you'll be asked whether you wish to copy your data files. You
should almost ALWAYS answer affirmatively. Never fail to heed a hint
to backup your files. If you do elect to copy your files, you will be
taken through a routine similar to that experienced if you were to
select the "(B)acking up files" option in the UTILITIES module. See
the UTILITIES MODULE section for details.
In the CASE module, you will manipulate case/client records. You
should regard a case/client record as merely a descriptive cover sheet
that would go into each case's file folder. This record (or cover
sheet) can be inspected at any time to get a quick overview of the
case's current status in such areas as its balance due and its
aged receivables. Remember that, anytime you want information on bal-
ances due or receivables, you should come to the CASE module.
If you press "M", you will be asked to give BillPower a Case Num-
ber for the new case. After you enter it, you will be taken into the
Edit mode, where you can fill in other information pertaining to that
Though you may use ANY case numbering scheme you like, you are
strongly encouraged to use one in which the case name consists of the
first 4 or 5 letters of the client's last name and the first 2 or 3
letters of his fist name (eg: John Smith's first case would be
"SMITJO1". Doing so will make case numbers easier to remember and
will also make certain searches for case information proceed more a
little more quickly than if you were to use another scheme.
The Edit mode's screen displays some information which you cannot
change, such as the case's balance. Since the balance is automati-
cally updated as each service/fee, disbursement, and receipt entry is
made, you may not alter it here. If, for some reason, you want to
change this case's total amount due your firm, you must select the
"(A)djustment" option in the MAIN MENU. The reason that you are not
allowed to make this change directly here is that, if you did so,
there would be no permanent record of the change and its reason.
Forcing you to make an Adjustment will result in the filing of such a
For similar reasons, you are also prevented from changing the
receivables displayed. Note that one of the items reported is
"CrntDue", which represents the amount still due on the last bill that
you sent the client, minus any payments that have been received since
then. "CrntDue" may well differ from the "Balance" figure, which in-
cludes not just the amount due on the last bill, but also ALL the
transactions since then (including services/fees, disbursements, re-
ceipts, and adjustments).
MasterRcrd Number
You will note that this number has already been assigned. It is
always initially presumed that a case's master is that case, itself.
If you wish to change it, just use the cursor control and delete keys
to do so. Once the new masterRcrd number has been entered, BillPower
will search for that case to confirm its existence. If it cannot
find the masterRcrd, it will tell you so. If it does find the mas-
terRcrd, certain common information will be transferred from that
case to the new one you are now creating.
A subordinate case MUST NOT be entered into the file before the
master to which it refers. A masterRcrd must always have been en-
tered into the case file BEFORE its subordinates.
The reason many professionals prefer to put all matters under a
single "master" case is that they want the bills sent to their cli-
ents to be completely consolidated. If you have a master with sev-
eral subordinates, the bill sent to your client will actually consist
of a separate bill for each subordinate case and a summary sheet con-
taining the total amount due for all the cases. You may believe that
some of your clients will be confused by receiving multiple bills,
especially if, as far as they're concerned, all the matters handled
by one firm should appear on one consolidated bill, rather than sep-
arate bills arriving in the same envelope.
Before you begin any cases for a client, you should consider his
nature and decide whether you may ultimately need to set up several
subordinates under one master, or whether all the work you do for him
is appropriate for one case's record. If you are unsure how to pro-
ceed, just set up ONE case for him now. Then, if, in the future, you
decide that you need to open a case subordinate to the one you orig-
inally opened for him, you may do so simply by designating the orig-
inal case as the new case's master. However, you may not subsequent-
ly open a new case and call it the original's master, since, as men-
tioned above, master records must be opened with BillPower BEFORE any
of their subordinates.
Area of Business
Next you will come to the "Area of Business". This must be a
number between 1 and 999 corresponding to the business category which
most closely describes this particular case's subject matter. You are
free to define your category numbers, using any scheme that you wish.
BillPower uses these numbers during its hunt routine to search for all
cases dealing with similar subjects (if you select the "Area of Busi-
ness" Hunt Gates in the Hunt mode). By running such a hunt, you can
find, among other things, which areas of business bring in the most
money and which areas your firm seems to be concentrating upon.
If you do not know the area of business or its number, and if you
would like some help, press the help key, F1. You will be shown the
contents of the M-LBAREA.DAT file, which contains a listing of all the
business categories and their corresponding numbers. When you find
the area that fits this case, enter its number and proceed to the next
for instructions on how to change M-LBAREA.DAT's contents.
Charging Disbursements
"Chrg Dsbrs" is the next item. BillPower initially assumes that
you will always charge your clients for each disbursement. When YES
appears next to the 'Chrg Dsbrs' item, this assumption will be fol-
lowed for this case. If you wish to alter this assumption for this
case, press "N" (for NO). If 'Chrg Dsbrs' is NO, no disbursements
made for this case will be included on the client's bills, unless, at
the time each disbursement is actually entered into the computer, the
amount entry is completed with ^C (for CHARGE) instead of the usual
RET. If 'Chrg Dsbrs' is YES, all disbursements made for this case
WILL be included on the client's bills, unless, at the time each dis-
bursement is entered, the amount entry is completed with ^N (for NO
charge) instead of the usual RET.
Responsible and Originating Employees
The "Responsible Employee" is the employee who is chiefly respon-
sible for the case. "Orig" is the originating employee. Here, you
should enter the ID of the employee who brought the case into the
Opening and Closing Dates
The date this case is "Opened" is automatically entered by the
computer, but you may change it if you need to. When the case is
closed, this item is titled, "Closed", and the date shown is that on
which the case was closed. See the "Closing and Opening a Case" sec-
tion, below.
Case Name, Client Name, etc.
The "Case Name" is the next item to fill in. Give the case some
descriptive name (or "style") and enter it here. Make sure that the
Case Name is a presentable one, since it will appear on all bills
prepared by BillPower. Do not skip this item. Each case MUST have a
case name, a case number and a masterRcrd number.
If this record is intended to serve merely as a "client" record,
used merely to link other subordinate cases, begin the case name with
an asterisk, "*" (eg: "*Smith Matters"). .cp 3
The client's name should be entered with the last name first,
followed by a comma, a space, and the rest of the name. For instance,
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Smith should be entered as "Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John
A." Remember, LAST names should always be entered first, except in
the case of a client which is not a person (eg: IBM Corp), in which
case the first name entered should be the name upon which you want to
index the case. For instance, The Hartford Group should be entered as
"Hartford Group" so that the indexing name is `Hartford', not `The'.
The program will index cases by the first initial of the cli-
ent's last name. At certain points in the program, you will be able
to find some information very quickly if you enter this initial and
then press the help key, F1. Remember, the program assumes that
the first name entered is the client's last name, and it is with that
name's first initial that the indexing is done.
Miscellaneous Information
You may enter up to four lines of miscellaneous information.
This facility is very useful, since you may enter ANYTHING you wish,
such as the court, judge, and opposing counsel. At any future time,
you may conduct a (H)unt to find all the cases that contain certain
miscellaneous data. If, for instance, you included in this Miscellan-
eous section a West reference key number, you could later find all
your cases that fall into that key number classification. Be as brief
as you can here, so that you will have room to fill in lots of data on
these four lines. Use abbreviations (eg: "OC:" for "Opposing Coun-
sel:", or "WK:" for "West Key Number:" ), and be consistent in your
entries from case to case.
At various times in the life of a case, you may enter "markers"
into the Miscellaneous sections. For instance, if some cases are
turned over to a collection agency, you could "mark" each's Miscel-
laneous section with some notation, such as "(Clctn)". Then, when-
ever you wanted to find ALL such cases quickly, you could conduct a
(H)unt for all the cases whose Miscellaneous sections contain the
character sequence, "(Clctn)".
If you begin the first line with a plus sign ("+"), the top two
miscellaneous lines will be included on this case's bills, just below
the case number and case name. This feature is useful if, for in-
stance, you do lots of work for an insurance company which requires
all bills submitted to contain such things as the accident date and
claim number (there's more on this in the BILLS section of these in-
Beginning the first line with a plus will cause this case's bills
to include the first two lines of miscellaneous data. If there are
portions of the first two lines that you do NOT want to appear on
bills, enclose those portions inside curly brackets, "{" and "}".
Billing Format and Interval
The "Billing Format" you wish to use for this case may be any of
seven basic choices, ranging from 2 (the format disclosing the least
information to the client), through 6 (the most explicit), to 8.
Formats 0 and 1 also exist to automatically provide an asterisk at the
beginning of certain Description entries, but they are subjects
reserved for discussion later. All the formats are similar to one
another, though some provide information lacking in others. Each of
the formats includes a salutation and signature block, unless you
enter a minus after the format number. For example, format "6-" is
identical to format "6", except that it does not include a salutation
or signature. There's more on this subject in the BILLS section, and
examples of the various formats may be found in the Appendix.
The "Intvl" is the billing interval, in months. Here, you should
enter the number of months between the bills your firm will send out
for the case. The number must be from 1 to 6. As examples, you
should enter "1" for monthly, "3" for quarterly, and "6" for
semiannual, billing.
If you want a salutation (eg: "Dear Mr. Smith:") to appear on
this client's bills, enter it here.
Methods of Charging Your Clients
The "TmKeepr Rate Level" is the hourly rate level (1 to 6) at
which you wish this case to be charged to the client. Pressing the F1
key at this item will cause BillPower to show you a listing of the
timekeepers and their rates. The timekeepers and rates were discussed
earlier in the CUSTOMIZING THE PROGRAM section.
If you have an arrangement with your client whereby he is to pay
you a certain amount each month until his debt is paid, enter that
amount as the "MonthlyPmnt". If the MonthlyPmnt is zero, BillPower
will assume that the client is supposed to pay the whole balance shown
on each bill. If the MonthlyPmnt item is greater than zero, each bill
for this case will contain a statement reminding the client that he
need pay no more than the MonthlyPmnt, even though it may be less than
the total balance due. Also, if the MonthlyPmnt is greater than zero,
BillPower will NOT calculate interest for this case, even though you
specify an interest rate, as discussed below.
Don't confuse a MonthlyPmnt with a Monthly Retainer
(described below). The retainer is a regular monthly pay-
ment which is due you, whether or not the client has an
outstanding balance at the time a bill is prepared. The
MonthlyPmnt is due ONLY if the client has an outstanding
balance. The MonthlyPmnt is a payment on a debt, while the
retainer is a sum paid to you regularly in order to keep
you "on the line", ready to provide services at the drop of
a hat.
If you want the client to be charged no more than a certain
amount per hour, regardless of which employee does work on the case,
enter that amount as the "Max Hourly Rate". Whenever work is done for
the case, BillPower will calculate the charges based upon the least of
a) the Max Hourly Rate or b) the appropriate TmKeepr Rate Level hourly
rate for the employee who does the work. If you leave the Max Hourly
Rate at zero, this item will be ignored when charges are calculated,
and the appropriate TmKeepr Rate Level charge rate for the employee
who does the work will be used.
If you wish to charge the client interest for any amounts he may
owe you, enter the MONTHLY interest rate as the "IntRate". Enter it
as a percentage (eg: 1.5% is entered as "1.5", not as ".015"). Dur-
ing the billing process, BillPower will calculate simple interest on
the last bill's balance remaining unpaid for the number of days you
specified when you first set up to use the program (see the CUSTOMIZ-
ING THE PROGRAM section). BillPower will also write a service/fee re-
cord for that interest, so that you may refer to the interest charge
at a later date. That record will be entered into the service/fee
file for the EARLIEST month covered by the bill. So, if the bill
covers JUN 89 to AUG 89, the interest record for that bill will be
put into the JUN 89 service/fee file. Note that interest added to a
bill will be included in the balance forwarded upon which the next
bill's interest, if any, will be calculated. Also remember that,
whenever you want to stop charging interest, you need only (E)dit this
case record and enter zero as the interest rate.
If you want to charge a flat hourly rate for work done on the
case, regardless of who does the work, enter that rate as the "Flat
Hourly Rate". If a Flat Hourly Rate is used, that rate will always be
used in the program's calculations for this case, no matter who does
work on the case.
If you wish to charge a fixed fee for this case, enter it next to
the "Fixed Fee" item. If there is an entry here, no work done for
this case will result in any charges, unless you use ^C to force Bill-
Power to calculate a charge for that work (the SERVICES\FEES section
will discuss ^C's use). In other words, if you classify this case as
a fixed fee case, BillPower will charge the case nothing for services
(though disbursements WILL be charged, regardless of whether the case
is a fixed fee one, as long as the "Chrg Dsbrs" item above is "YES"),
unless you specifically tell it to when you make the service entry.
In most cases, you will probably not instruct BillPower to charge the
fee until the case is completed.
If you wish to run the case on a contingency, enter the contin-
gency rate as the "Cntngnt Percentage". For example, a one-third
contingency would be entered as "33.33".
If the case is to be managed on a retainer, enter the "Monthly
Retainer" to be charged to the client every month. As with the fixed
fee and the contingency, BillPower will not charge this case for ser-
vices, unless otherwise instructed at the time a service is entered.
If you enter a retainer, the "Retainer Limit" on the next line will
automatically be filled in (you may, of course, change it to any value
you wish). The purpose of the Retainer Limit is to allow you to set a
limit on the value of work provided each month under the retainer.
Whenever a service or fee is provided which would cause that limit to
be exceeded during any given month, a reminder will appear on the
screen. You will then have the opportunity to instruct BillPower (by
using ^C) to override the presumption against charging the case for
that service or fee. In calculating the value of all work done on
retainer cases, BillPower assumes that all services would be charged
at the standard rate, Rate Level 1. The Retainer Limit has no effect
upon disbursements or upon any type of transaction other than a ser-
vice or fee. In other words, if you set a Retainer Limit, BillPower
will keep track of only the service/fee monthly totals and will inform
you only if a service/fee will cause a month's total to exceed the
Retainer Limit.
Note that BillPower uses the term, "retainer", to mean a recur-
ring payment made to the firm each month by the client. Some firms,
however, use the term to mean a fixed fee paid in advance by the cli-
ent. If a case is to be charged a fixed fee (even though you may call
it a "retainer"), it should be entered next to the "Fixed Fee" item,
whether or not it is to be paid in advance; if it IS paid in advance,
you should, as soon as possible, enter the payment in the RECEIPTS
module, or, if appropriate, enter it as a trust account deposit in the
If this is a retainer-type case, BillPower will automatically add
the retainer to each bill prepared for the case. That way, you won't
have to worry about forgetting to make a manual entry for the amount
of the retainer. If you'd rather not have the retainer added to each
bill automatically, place "DONT-ADD-RETAINER" onto the fourth line of
the Miscellaneous section described above.
The Fixed or Contingent fee that you enter in this
CASE module is merely a reminder that you intend to
charge such a fee at some future date. Your entry in THIS
module will not result in a charge to the client. After
all, how can the program know WHEN you wish to charge the
fee? When you determine that it is time for you to charge
a fee of some sort, you need simply make a fee record in
the SERVICES/FEES module. For instance, while you are wor-
king on a contingent fee case, BillPower will not calculate
any charges for work done (since it will have no hourly
rate at which to do the figuring). When you finally win
the case, take a few seconds to manually calculate the re-
covery percentage due you and enter that amount as a fee in
the SERVICES/FEES module. The next bill that goes out will
contain that charge.
If you have an agreement with your client, by which you may
charge him for work that you do, but by which the total charges for
services and fees may not exceed a certain amount, enter that amount
as the "Total Srvc/Fee Max". Whenever a service is performed which
would cause this Max to be exceeded, the program will adjust the am-
ount charged for that service to something (perhaps ZERO) which will
keep that client's total bill attributable to services and fees under
the specified Total Srvc/Fee Max. You may, of course, override this
adjustment at the time the service is entered, if you wish. This
Total Srvc/Fee Max has no effect on disbursements or on any type of
transaction other than a service or fee. In other words, if you set a
Total Srvc/Fee Max, BillPower will keep track of only the service and
fee totals and will inform you only if a service/fee will cause the
total to exceed the Max.
Unusual Fee Arrangements
If you have a fee arrangement with your client that does not fall
within any of those described above, simply enter it as a Miscellan-
eous note. Make sure, however, that, if it involves an hourly fee of
any sort, that fee is reflected as either the "TmKeepr Rate Level" or
the "Flat Hourly Rate". If you do not do so, BillPower will not auto-
matically calculate charges for work done as it is entered into the
computer. If, for instance, your deal with the client were that you
were to work at $40 an hour AND receive 20% of any recovery, you would
enter an hourly rate of 40.00 as the Flat Hourly Rate. You would also
make a Miscellaneous note to the effect that you are to receive 20% of
the recovery. If you tried to enter 20% next to the "Cntngnt Percen-
tage" item, the $40 hourly rate you just entered would disappear, and
BillPower would not be able to automatically calculate charges at
$40/hour. When the recovery were finally received, you would refer to
your miscellaneous note for confirmation of the contingent percentage
and manually calculate your fee, yourself.
Account Information
If the case involves the use of an account, such as a trust or
retainer, enter the "Account" number. The balance for the account
whose number you enter will be displayed to the right. Each time you
make a transaction for that account (in the GENERAL LEDGER module, not
here), these balances will be automatically updated.
Please note that this account's transactions will appear on any
bills you prepare for the client, unless the account number entered
here is preceded by an asterisk. For instance, retainer account R-
SMITJO1 should be entered as "*R-SMITJO1" if you do not want its
transactions to appear on bills for the case to which that account is
attached (here, for illustration, the R-SMITJO1 account is attached to
the SMITJO1 case).
Periodic/Occasional Billing
Whenever you open a new case, you'll be expected to tell Bill-
Power whether it is to be billed Periodically or Occasionally. These
two methods of billing are described in the "WHAT BILLPOWER WILL DO"
section of the INTRODUCTION.
You'll make your choice of billing method right after pressing F6
to save a new case to disk. Or you may press the ALT-F9 key at any
time while you're filling the new case's information. The currently
selected billing method will be shown in the lower right corner of the
screen as you press ALT-F9.
After a case has been saved, you may subsequently change the
billing method by editing the case and pressing ALT-F9. But a case's
billing method may be changed only up to the time a first bill is
prepared for the case. After that, the case's billing method is
"locked in".
The edit mode is useful for two things. The first is, of course,
to change data pertaining to a case. The second is to simply examine
that case's data.
Specifying the Case to be Edited
The first thing you will be asked after requesting an (E)dit is
the Case Number of the case to be edited.
If you do not know it and would like some help, press
F1, and you will be shown a list of all the cases on the
disk. To narrow the search, you should press the FIRST
letter of the client's last name just before you press F1.
If you precede F1 with a letter, you will be shown only
those cases whose client last names begin with that letter.
If you wish to edit all cases controlled by a certain Master-
Rcrd, just press RET when first asked to enter the case number. You
will then be asked to enter the number of the MasterRcrd whose sub-
cases you wish to edit. F1 will also work here as it is described in
the preceding paragraph, while pressing RET or ESC will take you back
to the MENU. After you enter the MasterRcrd Number, you will be pre-
sented with the first case on file whose MasterRcrd Number matches the
one you have entered. After you have finished with that case, you may
press either F6 or ESC. F6 will cause the next case with that Master-
Rcrd Number (if there is one) to appear on the screen, while ESC will
abort the procedure and take you back to the MENU, without showing you
any other cases.
Closing & Opening a case
If you wish to close or reopen the case being edited, press ^C
(for "Close/Open toggle"), instead of F6. Doing so will cause Bill-
Power to ask whether you really wish to use the close/open toggle. If
so, press "Y", and the case will be closed (or reopened, if it had
already been closed).
In addition to establishing a closing date, closing a case is
useful to keep it from being billed. You may occasionally have a
case which you do not want to omit yet, but which you do not want to
bill for a while. If so, you might consider closing it. When you're
ready to bill the case again, just open it by pressing ^C while edit-
ing the case record. No closed cases will be billed, unless more
than nine months have elapsed since their last bills.
Recent History
While editing a case record, you may obtain a listing of the ser-
vices, receipts, notes, etc., pertaining to that case. If you press
^R, you will be asked to give earliest date whose information is to be
found. Just pressing RET will tell BillPower to use a default date
approximately 3 months in the past. After BillPower has been given a
date, it will begin displaying all the transactions and notes involv-
ing that case since that date. If you wish to obtain a printout,
press ALT-P just before you enter the date.
F2 & F10 Keys
Pressing the F2 key will cause BillPower to store the client's
name, address and phone number in the computer's electronic memory.
The F10 key will cause that same information to be copied from memory
to the case record being edited. The ability to copy to and from
memory is useful if you have a client to which you have assigned a
masterRcrd and several subordinates. If that client changes his ad-
dress or phone number, you may make the appropriate changes on the
master record and store that information in memory by pressing F2.
Then, by simply calling each subordinate record to the screen and
pressing F10, the new information will be taken from memory and added
to that record. The process can be automated if you select a Master-
Rcrd Number, instead of a Case Number, when you enter the (E)dit mode
(if you do this, simply pressing F6, when you are finished editing a
record, will take you to the next case assigned to that masterRcrd).
If you press "H" while in the CASES MENU, you will be taken to a
Hunt Gates display. Here, you are to select the gates you want to
affect the search through the case file. Each Hunt Gate will allow
passage of only those records which contain information consistent
with the parameter you assign it. For example, if you wanted to find
records of all clients who work for a certain company, you would enter
a portion of the company name at item D (assuming that you consis-
tently used the Addrs1 line for company names). If you wanted to find
all cases with a certain masterRcrd number, you would enter a portion
of that number at item A. Entering something at both A and D would
narrow the search to only those cases whose MasterRcrd Numbers and
Addrs1's contained matches for items A and D.
A hunt for any item whose entry is alphanumeric (as opposed to
strictly numeric) may be made on the basis of partial entries. For
instance, if you wished to find all cases whose Addrs1's were either
"Smith Enterprises" or "Smith, Inc", you would need to enter only
"Smith" at item D. All cases whose Addrs1's contained "Smith" would
be shown to you. Included among these cases might be "Jones and
Smith, Ltd" and "The John Smith Company". Any case whose Addrs1 con-
tained "Smith" would be included.
Following the above example, you could also have chosen to
search for Addrs1's containing "ith". If you had done so, in addi-
tion to all the cases mentioned above, you might also have come ac-
ross cases whose Addrs1's were "Ithica Fabricators" and "Lithe Forms,
This valuable partial entry feature is contained in
the Hunt mode of every BillPower module, except BILLING
module (where it's not appropriate). It is applicable
to only alphanumeric items (those which may contain either
letters or numbers). It does not apply to dates, amounts,
and a few other items.
Suppose you elect to enter "SMITJO" at the Case Number
gate. If there were more than one case whose numbers con-
tain that sequence of characters, they would all pass
through that gate. Hence, SMITJO, SMITJO1, SMITJO2, etc.,
would all be selected by BillPower for the hunt report. If,
however, you wanted only SMITJO to pass through the gates
(to the exclusion of SMITJO1 and SMITJO2), you would have
to tell BillPower. You would do this by ending your "SMITJO"
entry by pressing the F7 key, instead of the usual RET.
If a Case Number gate is set up for an exact match, a
note will appear to the right, saying, "* exact *". If no
such note is displayed, then ALL cases whose numbers con-
tain matches for the entered character sequence will pass
through the gate. If the "* exact *" note is shown, then
only the case whose number exactly matches that character
sequence will be reported.
To find cases applicable to a certain areas of business range,
set Gates F and G accordingly. If all your divorce areas were num-
bered between 100 and 150, you would set Gate F to "100" and Gate G to
"150" if you wanted to look for all your divorce work. To find only a
SINGLE area of business, both Gates F and G (that is, both the lowest
and the highest area of business to be reported) should be identical.
BillPower keeps track of the date that the latest receipt for each
case has been received. If you wanted to hunt for all cases whose
latest receipt date were before 15 JAN 87, you would select item H
and enter "15 JAN 87". The hunt performed would select only those
cases for which a receipt had not been received since 15 JAN 87.
This gate allows you to find cases that are seriously in arrears.
Another check you might want to make of your cases is to find
which ones have balances due greater than a certain amount or within
a certain range. For instance, if you wanted to find all cases with
balances between -100 dollars (that is, a $100 credit) and +100 dol-
lars ($100 due you), you would select items I and J and enter "-100"
and "100", respectively. If you wanted to find all cases with bal-
ances due of over 500 dollars, you would select item J only and enter
Any gate that is left blank will be considered to be open, allow-
ing ANY record to pass through. In other words, each record will be
deemed to meet that gate's criterion, and, assuming that all the other
gates' criteria are also met, will be displayed during the hunt. A
"0" entered for some of the numeric items will accomplish the same
purpose that a blank entry does for text items.
To find only retainer cases, or cases which are MasterRcrds, you
would select N or O to change that item's assertion from NO to YES (or
vice versa). To find only cases which are open or closed, you would
select item L or M.
Gate Q is a toggle that switches among the various reports
available: "Standard", "Receivables", "Client Addresses & Phones,
etc,", "Full-Screen Edit", "Labels and Envelopes", and "Letters".
To begin the hunt, press F6. For a printout of the hunt, press
ALT-P just before you press F6.
Once the Hunting process begins, you will be shown the data for
each record conforming to the Hunt gates you have established.
If you have chosen a "Receivables" report, you'll get just what
you expect: a report of each conforming case's aged receivables.
The "Client Addresses & Phones" report will give you an alphabet-
ized listing of each client, his address, phone, and miscellaneous
information. Remember, pressing ALT-P just before beginning the re-
port will cause it to be sent to the printer.
If you have chosen a "Standard" report, data for each conforming
record will appear on one line. The program will then automatically
search for the next conforming record, display it, then look for the
next one, and so on. You may make the program pause in its searching
by pressing the space bar. Pressing ESC will abort the hunting pro-
The "Full-Screen Edit" report isn't really a report; rather, it
allows you to view's each conforming record's full summary screen. As
each case's record is displayed you can actually edit it as if you
were in the (E)dit mode, instead of this (H)unt mode. Of course, only
one case's data will be displayed on the screen at a time. Unlike the
Standard summaries routine, this one will not search for the next con-
forming file unless you press F6 to indicate that you wish to move on.
If you want to abort the Hunt routine, press ESC instead of F6.
Labels and Envelopes
This option allows you to make mailing labels with clients'
names and addresses on them. The labels used must be of the 1" X 4"
(or 15/16" X 3-1/2") variety and should be pin-fed into your printer
on a continuous sheet.
This option will also allow you to print client names and ad-
dresses onto envelopes, one at a time.
When you enter this option, you will first be asked to designate
the left indentation for your label or envelope printing. The de-
fault is column 0, but you may enter any column between 0 and 45.
The left edge of each printed address will line up at this column on
your printer. If you are happy with the current indent setting, just
press the RET key.
Next, you will be asked whether you want a test pattern printed.
If you answer, "Y", you will see a demonstration of how the printing
will line up on your labels or envelopes. If you need to reset the
indent and print another test pattern, you will be be afforded the
Then, you will be asked whether you want BillPower to pause be-
tween addresses. If you answer "Y", BillPower will stop after each
address is printed and will not proceed until you press the RET key.
If you are just printing labels, you will probably not want to pause.
But if you are printing envelopes, a pause will necessary, so that
you will be able to put each succeeding envelope into the printer.
Letters to Clients
This option allows you to prepare many printouts of a short let-
ter, each addressed to a different client.
BillPower will ask you to enter the name of the file which con-
tains the letter. BillPower will then print the same letter for
each client meeting the parameters you established with the Hunt
The letter printed by BillPower must have been created with EDIT,
and it must reside in the ManageX subdirectory or on another disk en-
tirely. You will have to experiment with this module before attemp-
ting an actual mass mailing. Just prepare the body of the letter with
EDIT. Then use this Letters "report" option to run a single letter.
If its format is unsatisfactory, go back to EDIT and make the approp-
riate changes. Repeat this procedure until you are happy with the
results. Then do the mass mailing.
BillPower has the ability to interpret special "tilde" codes in-
serted into the text of the letter. If you use EDIT, these codes will
be listed when you press the F5 key while creating or editing your
letter. Assume that you want to insert the client's name at some
point in the letter. To do so, you could place "~D" at the approp-
riate spot. Then, when the letter is being prepared by BillPower,
"~D" will be translated to the name of whatever client is being ad-
dressed. Be sure to set the letter's left margin by placing ".LMx" at
the very beginning of the very first line of the letter (where "x" is
the column where you want the letter to begin printing on your printer
-- typically 8). If you use ".LMx", there should be nothing else on
that line of the letter; that is, the actual body of the letter should
begin on line 2. Also, set the letter's line length (the maximum num-
ber of spaces in each line -- typically 65) by pressing the F4 key.
An example file called "OVERDUE.LTR" is supplied with BillPower. It
may be modified for use in your office to send dunning letters to cli-
ents who are behind in their payments. You might also prepare and
keep on hand form letters for such things as welcoming clients and
thanking them for their choosing your firm.
Custom Reports
If you would like to print a Custom Report, you should press ^Q
(Ctrl-Q), instead of just "Q". When you do, you'll be prompted for
the name of the file containing the custom report you want prepared.
The report you specify must have already been prepared with
EDIT.EXE (^E at the Main Menu). It should contain "tilde codes" (see
the "Letters" section above) for elements of data you want printed for
each case that meets the parameters you've specified with the Hunt
Gates. The typical custom report will consist of a single line con-
taining a few tilde codes and little else.
Go ahead and press ^O now, even though you may not have marked
any records for omission in the Edit mode. You will at least see how
the mode operates. During the omission process, BillPower will look
at each record in the file to see whether it is tagged for omission.
If so, it will be omitted; if not, it will be saved. There will be a
some of disk drive activity, the length of which depends upon how many
cases BillPower is tracking.
If the SERVICES/FEES MENU is being displayed, press "M" to make a
record. You will be asked to enter the date of the service whose re-
cord you are about to create. All you need to do is use the cursor
control keys to highlight the proper date on the calendar that
appears. If you wish enter the date manually, be sure to use the pro-
per format for entering dates.
If the date is the same as the last date you entered at
the keyboard anywhere in the program, enter "S" (for "same").
If you enter ^T for the date, BillPower will automatically enter
both the current date AND the current time into the time slip.
Case Number
The next item you will have to fill in is a "Case Number". Bill-
Power will search the case file for your entry. If such a case does
not exist, you will be told so. If it does exist, the first several
characters of that case's name will appear to the right. As with en-
tering the date, you may shorten your entry here by entering "S" (for
"same") if the case number you wish to enter is the same as the last
case number you have entered anywhere in the program.
If you do not know the case number and would like some help,
press F1, and you will be shown a list of all the cases on the
disk. To narrow the search, you should press the first letter of
the client's last name just before you press F1. If you precede
F1 with a letter, you will be shown only those cases whose client
last names begin with that letter.
If the case you enter exists, the responsible employee will be
displayed as the "Employee" on the next line. If the person actually
performing the service does not happen to be the employee responsible
for the case, you may change this item appropriately.
You must next fill in a "Description" of the service performed or
the type of fee being charged. BillPower has word-wrap ability in
this item. Don't bother hitting RET to get down to the next line of
the description; when you're at the end of a line, BillPower will aut-
omatically place the cursor at the beginning of the next line. Your
total entry may be up to 540 characters, but you should be as brief as
possible -- the fewer lines you use in making your entry, the less
disk space will be used to store it.
If, after making changes to the service description, some lines
are much too short, you may reformat the entire description by pres-
sing F3. Pressing F3 causes extra space at the end of each line to be
filled with data from the following line. It results in lines that
are about the same length.
Long Descriptions
If you need more than 540 characters, enter what you can for
this record and then make another record for the rest of the ser-
vice or fee description. Only one of the records created for the
same service or fee description may include Time or AMOUNT entries.
If more than one record for the same service or fee contains Time or
TOTAL entries, the client may be charged more than once for that ser-
vice or fee.
Description entries may be shortened (and disk space saved)
through the use of abbreviations or office codes (such codes are con-
tained in a file that can be accessed with EDIT -- see the CATEGORIES,
AREAS OF BUSINESS, NUMBERING SYSTEM section for details). To enter a
service code, simply type it and end it with a backslash. Assume, for
example, that the code for "Office Conference with" were "OC". If you
wished to enter an office conference with Mr. Smith, you could enter
either "Office Conference with Mr. Smith" or "OC\Mr. Smith". If you
entered the latter, you could be saving time by typing fewer charac-
ters and also saving disk space. BillPower would know what "OC\"
means. If you subsequently prepared a bill containing the service
description, "OC\Mr. Smith", BillPower would actually type out "Office
Conference with Mr. Smith".
If, when you enter a backslash, the computer's beeper sounds, you
have entered a code or abbreviation which does not exist. Try again.
If you need to see a listing of the acceptable codes, press the help
key, F1.
Private Notes
If you wish to enter something for your records but do not
want it to appear on any bills prepared by BillPower, you may en-
close it in curly brackets. If the service description were
"OC\Mr. Smith {and his wife}", the bill containing that descrip-
tion would show only "Office Call with Mr. Smith". If, for some
reason, you want NONE of your description to appear on the bill,
you could enclose the entire description in curly brackets.
Asterisk Suppression
Another way to prevent the ENTIRE description from appearing
on bills is to begin the description with an asterisk. A des-
cription, "*OC\Mr. Smith", would not appear on a bill at all.
The advantage of using the asterisk, instead of the curly brac-
kets, is that the asterisk will prevent nearly EVERYTHING on the
service record from appearing on any bill. In addition to the
description, the time spent and employee who did the service will
also be suppressed at bill-printing time. The only thing from
that service/fee record that will appear on a bill will be the
amount charged, and even that item will appear only indirectly,
as part of the total charges for the month.
Who would want to use asterisk-suppression? The answer is,
those professionals who don't like to itemize their bills, but
prefer instead to send bills containing brief summaries of work
done during each month. If you are one of these people, you
could make sure that each service description entered during the
month is preceded with an asterisk. Then, at the end of the
month, you could make a service entry containing a summary of the
work done that month (this entry, of course, would NOT contain an
asterisk, because you would not want it to be suppressed). The
bill subsequently prepared would show this end-of-month-summary
and the total amount charged for services that month, but no in-
dividual service descriptions would appear (because they were
preceded with asterisks). If you are one who prefers end-of-
month summaries to itemized service descriptions, you should
elect to use Billing Format #1 when you set up the record for
each case (in the CASE module, of course). Format #1 is identi-
cal to #2 (the least detailed), except that format #1 automati-
cally precedes each service description with an asterisk at the
time the service description is entered into a record.
The only difference between a record whose Service or Fee
Description entry begins with an asterisk and one whose doesn't
is that the asterisk will prevent that record from being reflec-
ted on bills which are printed for actual mailing to clients.
Pre-bills will not be affected by the asterisk (or by curly brac-
Remember that, even though the bill mailed to your
client will not contain any description preceded by an as-
terisk, the bill's total WILL account for whatever amount
is charged for each service. Since the client may not see
the descriptions for all the services for which he is being
charged, he may think that the total amount reflected on
the bill is incorrect. Therefore, you should insure that
whatever end-of-month summaries you use adequately explain
the charges.
Time Entries and Total Charge
Next, enter the "Time Began". This is the time at which perfor-
mance of the service noted above began. If you wish, you may use "P"
for "PM" and "A" for "AM". Under this scheme, 10:05 AM would be en-
tered as "1005A" and 2:34 PM would be entered as "234P" (colons
aren't needed). Alternatively, you may enter times with neither a
"P" nor an "A", in which case BillPower will assume that any time bet-
ween 12:00 and 6:59 is "PM", while anything between 7:00 and 11:59 is
If you want BillPower to pick up the computer's
system time, just enter ^T, instead of the time. The
first time you enter ^T, the "stopwatch" will begin run-
ning -- entering ^T again will stop it. You may enter
^T (to start and stop it) at any item on the time slip.
Note that the stopwatch may be started and stopped only
once per time slip.
Pressing F6 will have the same effect as pressing
^T a second time, and it will also cause the elapsed
time and amount charged to be calculated as the time
slip is saved. If you're using BillPower as a memory-
resident program, pressing ESC (after having pressed ^T
once to start the timer) will allow you to temporarily
exit the time slip before completing it. When you pop
back into the program after having finished your work,
you'll be taken immediately to the incomplete time slip,
where you may finish filling it in.
If a FEE, rather than a service, was entered above, DO NOT enter
any times, since times should be used only to reflect the period dur-
ing which SERVICES are performed. Also, if this record is merely a
continuation of the preceding record, do not enter any times if you
already entered such times in the preceding record.
"Time Ended" is the time at which performance of the service
noted above ended. If you do not wish to enter a Time Began or a
Time Ended, but would prefer to enter just the Time Spent, simply
press RET for each item you do not wish to enter.
Once the beginning and ending times have been entered, the "Time
Spent" on the service will be automatically calculated. This will be
multiplied by the Service Performer's hourly rate (or the Max Hour-
ly Rate for the case, if applicable, whichever is less) and displayed
as the AMOUNT. If, for some reason, you wish to reflect an amount of
time different from what was calculated by the program, (or if you
skipped the Time Began and Time Ended items) you may enter it at the
"Time Spent" line. If you wish to charge an amount different from
what BillPower has calculated, you may enter any amount you wish at
the "AMOUNT" line.
If you want to record the time spent on the service, but do not
wish to charge the case anything for that service, complete the Time
Began, Time Ended, or Time Spent entry with a ^N (for "no charge"),
instead of RET. Doing so will cause "NC" to appear at the end of the
"Time Spent" line.
If the case for which you are entering a service is a fixed fee,
contingent, or retainer case, BillPower will automatically assume that
you do not want to charge the case for time spent on specific ser-
vices. If you wish to overrule this assumption, finish your time
entries with ^C (for "charge this time"), instead of RET.
Charging rate
Whenever you make any changes to a service/fee record, the hour-
ly rate at which services will be charged is re-figured. A series of
default rates are used by the program to arrive at the appropriate
rate for a particular service. If you wish to enter a special rate
for this service, you may do so here. If you subsequently come back
to edit this record, the rate may change back to one of the defaults
if you make ANY CORRECTIONS AT ALL to the record. Therefore, when-
ever you edit/examine a service/fee record, be sure to double-check
the rate before you move on with F6.
Next Time Slip
To save the service record and move on, press F6. BillPower will
then automatically take you to another time slip/fee entry record to
be filled out. If you do not need to make any more entries, just
press F6 again.
Deferred Billing
If you wish to indefinitely defer billing this Time Slip or Fee
record, press F7 when the cursor is at one of the top items on the
screen. Doing so will cause the billing process to skip over this
The record will be automatically "un-tagged" and forwarded to a
later month's file when you do a chronological sort (in the ^Utilities
module) of this month's files. Then, when you get ready to do that
later month's bills, you should first do a set of pre-bills. As you
review the pre-bills, you may elect once again to defer this record
until a still later month. To do so, you'll have to come back to this
SERVICES module, edit this record, and press F7 to tag it again for
further deferral. See the Deferred Billing section.
"TO DATE: ..." information
If you're doing a time slip or fee record for a case, some of
that case's data will be summarized at the bottom of the screen. The
"Srvc/Fees" figure is the total services and fees charged to that
case until now (not including the current entry). Also shown are the
total hours and the value of those hours (at the primary billing rate
of the responsible employee). "Balance" is the case's current bal-
ance due, including all transactions, except the one you're now en-
tering. "CrntDue" is the amount still due on the last bill sent to
the client. "LastBill" is the date of the last bill sent to the
When you choose to (E)dit a record, you will be asked the "Mon
Yr of file to edit". Here, you should enter the month and year (eg:
NOV 87) during which the record (or records) you wish to edit were
entered. If the month to be searched happens to be the current
month, just press RET.
The next prompt will be "Case Number". Here, you should enter
the number of the case whose transaction you wish to find. If you
know the exact transaction record number to be edited, you may just
press RET, without entering a case.
Finally, BillPower asks for the "Record Number to Begin Search".
If you just press RET without entering a record number, BillPower will
show you each time slip or fee record whose case and month of entry
are the same as those you entered above. The search will begin at
the first record in the file. To go from each record to the next,
press F6. To abort the search through the records press ESC.
If, however, you DO enter a record number, BillPower will skip
all the records before that one, which will be the first shown to you.
If it happens to be the ONLY one you want to look at, press ESC when
you have finished with it (ESC causes a search to abort, remember?).
If you enter no "Mon Yr", case, or record number, the Edit mode
will abort (unless there happens to be a transaction entered during
the current month which does not apply to a particular case number).
When you have finished editing/examining a record, press F6 to
store it and to move on to the next record for the date you have de-
signated (assuming that you have not designated a record number, in
which case, only one record would be edited). Pressing ESC will
cause BillPower to store the record and then to leave the Edit mode
without going on to the next record.
The Hunt Gates in this module work just like those in the CASES
module. The only difference is that you have a different selection of
gates that you may define.
Gate Q toggles among the various types of reports available:
Standard, Income-Expense, Balance Sheet, and Full Screen Edit.
Gates L through P tell BillPower which types of transactions to
include in the hunt. Even though you're in the SERVICES/FEES module,
the hunt you do here can include Disbursements, Receipts, and/or Ad-
justments. If you wish, you can even prevent services/fees from being
included. Just switch the appropriate gates to "YES" or "NO".
As you go through a day, you will often find yourself working on
several cases simultaneously. As you perform a task for each, you
should enter it onto a time slip. Of course, you may make out a sep-
arate time slip for each task performed. But, alternatively, you may
add each new service performed for a case to the first time slip
opened that day for that case. If your preference is to keep adding
to the first time slip, you may use this (Z)ip function to find that
record quickly when you need to make an addition.
After pressing `Z', you will be shown a list of up to twenty
cases with which you have dealt during the day. Press the letter
corresponding to the one whose time slip you need to amend.
When the time slip appears, add to it as you wish. If you want
to begin the automatic timer, press ^T; to stop the timer, press ^T
again (or press F6 or esc). When the auto timer stops, the dollar
value of this most recent time block will be added to the time slip's
previous total. Thus, every time you zip to a time slip during the
day, you may keep adding to the total time and dollar amount by simply
pressing ^T when you begin and end your entry. This auto timer fea-
ture is most useful if you keep BillPower in memory at all times
through the use of a multi-tasking program like Software Carousel or
DESQview. If you want don't have one of those two programs, and you
want the ability to have a time slip timed automatically while you
work on other things, you should get a copy of RAMdesk. This prog-
ram, described elsewhere in the documentation, can act as a pop-up
entry vehicle for BillPower and/or TickleX (Integra's schedule). One
of RAMdesk's many features is a module in which you can time your
The DISBURSEMENTS module is used for ALL firm disbursements,
whether or not they apply to particular clients or cases. Office
supply purchases and employee salary payments, for example, should be
recorded in this module, as should all your expenses for the SMITJO1
case. Anytime the firm transfers some of its money to someone else
(or to someone else's account) for ANY reason, that transfer is a
disbursement which should be entered here.
Press "M" to make a record. You will be asked to enter the date
of the disbursement whose record you are about to create. Be sure to
use the proper format for entering dates, or use "S" (for "same", rem-
BillPower will then take you into the Edit mode, so that you can
enter the new record's data. You may do so in the manner described
in this manual's preceding sections in their discussions of making
and editing records.
In the (M)ake mode, you may save time by entering "S"
(for "same as last entry") for almost any item, such as the
Case Number. "S" will cause the Case Number, etc., from
the last record entered to be entered again.
Most of the items to be filled in are comparable to those dis-
cussed previously in the SERVICES/FEES section. There are, however, a
few new items with which you need to be familiar.
If you wish to later be able to sort your disbursements by cate-
gory, enter the category number (1 to 9999) here. If you are in doubt
about the appropriate category number, press F1 for a listing. If the
list does not have the category you wish, remember that you may modify
it with EDIT to suit your individual needs (see the CATEGORIES,
If the category you enter does not exist, BillPower will tell you;
otherwise, a description of the category will appear at the bottom of
the screen.
Payee or Creditor
At the "Payee" item, you should enter the name of the person or
company from whom you made the purchase or to whom you made the pay-
ment. You will have to be brief here, since your entry is limited to
only a few characters. If the disbursement is a simple advance made
directly to a client, enter the client's name here if you did not al-
ready enter it as part of the Description just entered.
Next, enter the "AMOUNT". If you do not know what this amount
should be, just enter zero; you can always come back to this record at
a later date to enter the correct amount when it becomes known. An
example of this situation would be a long distance telephone call
which you want to enter now, but for which you will not know the
charges until you receive the telephone bill in a few weeks. If you
enter an amount of zero now, you may subsequently change it by using
the Edit mode.
If you want the record to reflect the amount you paid, but do
not wish to charge the client for the disbursement, complete the
"Amount Paid/Owed" with a ^N (for "no charge"), instead of RET. Do-
ing so will cause "NC" to appear at the end of the entry.
Check Number
If you are paying for the disbursement with a check, you may
enter the check number. This is the number of the check (from the
firm's account) with which the disbursement is being paid. If you
have already entered a check number during this batch of disbursement
entries, you may just enter "N" (for "next"), and the check number
will be automatically assigned.
The editing procedures have been covered under "(M)ake a dis-
bursement", above.
For a discussion of how to find a specific record, refer to the
section on editing a time slip or fee in the SERVICES/FEES module
The RECEIPTS module is where you enter payments made to you or
your firm. There are few significant differences between this mod-
ule's operation and any other module's. If you need help with any of
this module's features, please refer to descriptions of comparable
ones in the previous sections of these instructions.
Two items unique to this module are the `Advance' items shown in
the (M)ake and (E)dit modes. An advance is a sum paid to the client
or on his behalf. Whenever a disbursement is made on behalf of a
case in the DISBURSEMENTS module, BillPower considers it an `Advance'
to be paid back by the client.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
The GENERAL LEDGER module is for maintaining the various accounts
for which your firm is responsible. Checking, Trust, and Escrow ac-
counts are examples. This module allows you to completely integrate
a chart of accounts into the billing program.
Though it will track both "debit" and "credit" accounts, the de-
fault mode for this module provides simple single-entry functionality.
Double-entry accounting is triggered by making an entry at the
"Account automatically adjusted for disbursements and receipts" item
in the CUSTOMIZING routine (accessed by tapping ^C at the menu -- see
the SETTING UP section for details). Use of the program for double-
entry accounting will be discussed later.
To open an account, select the (O)pen option from the menu.
First, you will be asked to enter an account number. The number you
assign an account will have a direct bearing upon how easily you are
able to extract information from BillPower's files. Please see the
Next, you will have to enter a descriptive name for the account,
and you will be asked to designate whether this is to be a (C)redit
or a (D)ebit account. Any account that would appear as an ASSET on a
balance sheet should be entered as a Debit account. An account that
will appear as a LIABILITY on the balance sheet is a Credit account.
If you are unsure of your new account's classification, enter "-";
otherwise, enter "C" or "D".
BillPower will then ask whether the new account will be used to
hold retainer funds for a case. If not, answer `N'. If you answer
`Y', you will be asked to enter the Balance (if any) you would like to
maintain in the account, as well as a minimum acceptable balance. The
first figure is the balance you would like to maintain in the account
(preferably an amount to which your client has agreed). The minimum
acceptable balance, on the other hand, is the point at which you will
want to ask your client to replenish this retainer account. Assume,
for instance, that the account's desired balance is $1000 and that its
minimum acceptable balance is $500. As you do work for your client,
you will be withdrawing money from this retainer account. At some
point, you will want to ask your client to replenish the account to
the desired balance of $1000. This threshold is reached when the ac-
count's balance is below $500. Whenever a bill is sent to the client,
BillPower will check the account balance. If it is below the minimum
acceptable balance of $500, the bill will contain a request for the
amount needed to bring the account's funds up to the Desired Balance
of $1000. If the account balance is over the minimum acceptable bal-
ance when the bill is prepared, no such request will be made.
Before this section is closed, it should be mentioned that, once
an account is given an Account Number, that number may not be changed.
The descriptive name and all other attributes may be edited, but the
Account NUMBER will be permanent. If you were allowed to subsequently
change the Account Number, previously-entered transactions involving
that account would be left in "limbo", since they would still be
linked to the OLD Account Number.
This straigtforward process is similar to that in the DISBURSE-
MENTS module. However, the "Check Number" item is a little different.
The last item to be filled in is the "Check Number". If the
transaction is for a deposit, just enter "D". If it is for a with-
drawal without the issuance of a check, enter "W". If it is for a
withdrawal accompanied by the issuance of a check, enter the number of
the check with which the withdrawal from the account will be made. Do
not enter a check number if the transaction is a deposit (for example,
if you are depositing a client's check into an account, do not enter
the client's check number here -- enter "D", for "Deposit"). The
check number must not be greater than 30000. Since BillPower will try
to prevent your withdrawing more from the account than is presently
contained therein, always be sure to enter a deposit for an account
before you attempt any withdrawals.
If you wish, you may use the same check number on several trans-
action records. You might want to do so if you will be using the
same check to pay for several different categories of expenses. If
such is the case, make a separate account transaction for each cate-
gory and use the same check number for all the transaction records.
The (H)unt routine is similar to those found elsewhere in Bill-
Near the end of each hunt will be a listing of the TOTAL DEBITS
and TOTAL CREDITS reported during the hunt. In arriving at these tot-
als, BillPower considers all deposits to debit accounts and all withdra-
wals from credit accounts to be DEBITS, while all withdrawals from
debit accounts and all deposits to credit accounts are considered to
be CREDITS. Deposits and withdrawals from "-" accounts are treated as
if they involved debit accounts. Also reported is the DIFFERENCE bet-
ween the total debits and the total credits. This difference is use-
ful if you are doing double-entry bookkeeping, and you need to see at
a glance whether the total debits and credits balance. If the DIFFER-
ENCE is not zero, then a double-entry error may have been made during
the period specified in the Hunt Gates. Remember, this section of the
report shows the totals of only those transactions which meet the par-
ameters set by your Hunt Gates. The total balance for each account is
given in the Account Balances section, described below.
The very last thing shown in a hunt will be a listing of the
current account balances. If a balance is enclosed inside left and
right carets, "<" and ">", it is a Credit account balance. For repor-
ting purposes only, BillPower treats Credit accounts as negative Debit
accounts. Hence, Credit account balances that are negative will be
ADDED to the total, while positive ones will be SUBTRACTED. This is
where to quickly find whether your books are properly balanced: if the
account balance totals are not zero, your books are out of balance.
Accounts are omitted by selecting the (^O)mit option in the AC-
COUNTS MENU. The two-step omission process is similar to that found
in the CASES module, but the tagging takes place directly from the
menu, not in the Edit mode.
Setting up your chart of accounts involves: 1) opening the ac-
counts in this GENERAL LEDGER module; and 2) designating your income
and expense categories by entering them into the M-LBCODE.DAT file
these instructions).
You may optionally open your accounts with the
EDIT program (^E at the main menu). But be careful
if you so. Remember that BillPower does not allow
you to change the number of an account, since doing
so may leave in "limbo" some transactions made for
that account before the change. Because the EDIT
program makes it easy for you to change an account's
number, you must be on your guard not to do so. It
is recommended that you use EDIT only to set up your
chart of accounts initially. Thereafter, if you need
to change something, use the editing functions found
in this GENERAL LEDGER module. After initially estab-
lishing the chart of accounts, use EDIT only if you
need to change the order in which the accounts appear
in the chart of accounts.
Accounts vs. Categories
Remember that BillPower draws a clear distinction between an ac-
count and an income/expense category. An account is an actual body
of money. It is the value of an account that is affected by a re-
ceipt or expenditure.
A category, on the other hand, is, just as name implies, simply a
type of expense or income. Though the TRANSACTION involving a cate-
gory may AFFECT an account's balance, the category is not, itself, an
account (body of money). For instance, a rent payment might fall into
an expense category called "rent", but the actual body of money affec-
ted is probably the "checking" account. Though BillPower will, for
any period of time, report the total value of transactions involving
each income and expense category, it does not permanently collect
those figures into an "account".
Which categories (not accounts) should you open? If you're un-
sure, just stick with those already contained in the sample income-
expense file (M-LBCODE.DAT) provided with BillPower. Use EDIT (^E in
the MAIN MENU) to examine/edit this file.
Which accounts (not categories) should you open? Basically, the
decision is yours. If you're unsure, you might consider using these
as an absolute minimum:
As the need arises, also open escrow and retainer accounts. Give
each client's retainer/escrow a unique number and name. Since the
funds in such accounts are not yours, you might consider them to be
neither CREDIT not DEBIT. If such is the case, choose "-" as the
CREDIT/DEBIT category (signifying neither).
If you've customized the program properly, you'll be afforded the
double entry option. If you opt for double entry, you must be abso-
lutely sure that you understand the concept completely. If you don't,
you'll just be wasting your time and possibly ruining your books.
With this option in effect, you will be allowed to make balancing
account entries whenever you enter a disbursement, receipt or General
Ledger transaction. This option will save you considerable time that
would otherwise have been spent making duplicate account-adjustment
entries. Your bookkeeping will be automated like never before.
The double-entry option is just that: an OPTION. If it's not in
effect, you won't be able to enter balancing account information when
you enter transactions. But even with the option in effect, it's
still just an option. You MAY enter balancing account information,
but you don't have to. Thus, BillPower provides you with a great deal
of flexibility. But this flexibility may also allow you to make mis-
takes that will cause your books to go out of balance. The program
checks for non-balancing entries only if you've specified TWO accounts
to be adjusted for a specific transaction. If you specify only a sin-
gle account, BillPower assumes that you're not interested in double
entry for the current transaction.
With the double entry option in effect, entering a single dis-
bursement or receipt will result in the simultaneous entry of up to
two General Ledger account transactions and the updating of the ba-
lances in those accounts.
Designating the accounts to adjust
If the double entry option is in effect, you will notice that two
additional items appear on each disbursement and receipt entry screen:
Affected G/L account 1
Affected G/L account 2
BillPower expects you to fill in one or both of these items if you
want the program to automatically adjust its General Ledger accounts
when you complete entering the transaction.
For each of these, you should fill in an account number preceded
by a "+" or "-" (eg: "+CHECK" or "-CHECK"). A "+" indicates that the
amount of the transaction you're entering should be ADDED to the
balance in the specified account, while "-" indicates that the sum
should be SUBTRACTED. BillPower won't accept an entry that does not
begin with a "+" or "-".
Automating the process
What's described in the section above will save you the time that
might otherwise be spent making one or two separate General Ledger
entries after you finish entering a disbursement or receipt. But
things could be further streamlined if BillPower knew the accounts to
adjust without your having to tell it every time you enter a transac-
tion. With a little planning, you can achieve this automation.
The first thing you need to do is to decide which of your General
Ledger accounts is the one you will usually want affected whenever you
do a disbursement or receipt. In all probability, it will be your
firm's checking account. Assuming that this account has already been
assigned a number and has also been opened with BillPower, you should
enter that account number at the "Account automatically adjusted..."
prompt in the CUSTOMIZING routine.
If the account that you've specified for automatic adjustment is
not called "NUL", that the program will assume that you want that
account updated EVERY time you make a disbursement or receipt. At the
time you make each entry, however, you may override this assumption if
you like. If "NUL" is what you've specified in the CUSTOMIZING rou-
tine, then BillPower will make no assumption at all about which
account you want adjusted for each disbursement and receipt. Instead,
you'll have to fill in the account number "from scratch" each time you
enter a disbursement or receipt.
The other account
The discussion in the section above concerned only one account,
the one that you will nearly always want to update whenever you enter
a receipt or disbursement. If you're interested in keeping your books
balanced, however, you'll also want to fill in a second account num-
Unlike the first account, the second will vary from transaction
to transaction, depending upon the category into which the transaction
falls. You'll have to be pretty competent with double-entry accoun-
ting if you want to be sure to tell BillPower the proper account to
update. As you enter each disbursement or receipt, you'll have to
decide what the balancing G/L entries should be. This thought pro-
cess, of course, takes time and exposes the system to the possibility
that you may occasionally make a careless decision. But BillPower
offers you an alternative that will save even more time and reduce
the potential for error: designating the balancing account entries
well in advance, when you initially set up the program.
Before reading further, you should first review the ABBREVIATIONS
later in these instructions.
The discussion of ABBREVIATIONS and CATEGORIES describes three
items that may appear on each line within the M-LBCODE.DAT file, used
by BillPower to store income and expense category information. But
there is a fourth item that may also be entered on each line that des-
cribes an income or expense category. This fourth item is the G/L
account that you want to adjust every time you enter a transaction
involving that line's category.
The fourth item begins in column 43 (use the TAB key to align the
cursor properly). The item consists of an account number preceded by
a "+" or "-" (eg: "+EQUITY" or "-EQUITY"). A "+" indicates that you
want to ADD to the account whenever a transaction involving this cate-
gory is made, while a "-" indicates that you want to SUBTRACT. Be
ABSOLUTELY SURE that you precede each account number with a "+" or a
"-", that each account you specify has previously been opened with
BillPower, and that you align everything properly in the file.
Remember that the account numbers you place into the M-LBCODE.DAT
file are for the secondary (or "balancing") G/L transactions made
automatically when you enter a disbursement or receipt. The primary
G/L transaction will be determined by your previous entry in the CUS-
TOMIZING routine (the "Account automatically adjusted..." item). The
primary account is the one that BillPower ALWAYS assumes you want ad-
justed whenever you enter a disbursement or receipt. The secondary
account is the one that will balance your books after the adjustment
to the primary account is made. The primary account is not affected
by the category into which a receipt or disbursement entry falls. The
secondary account, however, will always be dependent upon the income-
expense category.
The primary and secondary accounts you set in the CUSTOMIZING
routine and in the M-LBCODE.DAT file will provide BillPower with as-
sumptions about which accounts you want to update whenever you enter
an disbursement or receipt. It will act upon these assumptions, un-
less you override them at the time you make the actual transaction
entries. This degree of flexibility is unique to BillPower.
When doing bills, BillPower, unlike some other programs, does not
automatically include all unbilled items in its statements and then
"dump" them from the system. Instead, BillPower prepares bills for
certain TIME PERIODS (one month, two months, three months, etc.).
Both unbilled transactions AND transactions already billed (if any)
will be included in BillPower's statements. Of course, transactions
already billed will be included only if you are RE-DOING bills that
have previously been submitted for a certain period. The client will
never be charged more than once for the same item, but he may see it a
second time if you RE-DO a bill covering the month in which that item
was entered. If, for instance, you do March's bill at the beginning
of March and again at the end of March, the same items which appeared
on the first bill will appear on the second, but the client won't be
charged a second time for them. The second bill will simply be re-
capping the transactions previously included in the original bill, as
well as including transactions that have occurred subsequent to the
first bill's preparation.
This different method of billing allows BillPower to keep ALL
transactions in its data base, even those that have been billed, un-
til YOU want to eliminate them. BillPower won't arbitrarily erase
them. Thus, you have the flexibility to re-prepare bills many times,
even months after their original preparation. And, since the trans-
actions are not automatically erased by BillPower, those items may be
included in any reports you may wish to prepare at any time in the
A consequence of providing you such unprecedented flexibility is
that, under certain circumstances, BillPower may not include all the
transactions you might expect in its bills. This will occur if, dur-
ing THIS month, you are preparing bills for LAST month, and you erron-
eously expect transactions entered for THIS month to be included.
Remember, this month's transactions will appear only when THIS month's
bills are done (preferably at the beginning of the next month).
If you want to insure that THIS month's entries are included in
the bills you prepare now, you should do bills for THIS month, not
last month. Doing bills for this month will force BillPower to auto-
matically include LAST month's entries in the bills, AS LONG AS you
have not already prepared last month's bills (if you HAVE already done
last month's bills, this month's will contain transactions entered for
the current month only).
A bill consists of six parts:
1 a return address;
2 a client name, address and salutation, drawn from the
appropriate case's record at the time of the bill's
3 an opening statement;
4 a basic data section drawn from transaction data at the
time of the bill's preparation;
5 a closing statement; and
6 a signature block.
These components are printed, one after the other onto each client's
statement. The format of the statements permits the use of 8-1/2" by
11" paper, single sheets or form-feed. Almost any modern printer may
be used. All statements should be printed at a pitch of 10 characters
per inch.
You select each case's billing format by (M)aking or (E)diting
that case's record (in the CASE module). The seven formats are all
similar to each other, differing mainly in the amount of service/fee
information provided. Format 2 is the least informative, while for-
mat 6 is the most.
There is also format 1, which is essentially similar to format
2, but which automatically inserts an asterisk before each service
description entry, so that the service will not be described on the
bill. At the time that each service description is entered, this
asterisk may be erased if you want the service to be shown on the
bill. Remember, asterisks prevent everything but the amount from
showing on the bill (and the amount is reflected only indirectly, in
the totals). Format 0 is identical to 1, except that, in addition to
automatically inserting an asterisk before each SERVICE description
entry, the program will also precede all DISBURSEMENT, RECEIPT, and
ADJUSTMENT descriptions with asterisks.
Each format includes a salutation and signature block, unless
the format number ends with a minus. For example, "6-" would not
include a salutation and signature block, while format "6" would.
It is suggested that, before you do any actual billings, you
test each billing format, to see which you prefer. Do a FICTIONAL
client's bill for the current month (be sure you've entered some fic-
tional services, disbursements, and receipts). Then go to the CASE
module and (E)dit that client's case, in order to change the bil-
ling format. Then do another bill. Repeat the process until you
have collected several printouts of the different billing formats (2
through 8, and 2- through 8-). File them for future reference. Do-
ing these practice bills will also allow you to see how you like your
return address, opening & closing paragraphs, and signature blocks.
The return address must be contained in a file called "M-
RETADD.LTR", and it must be located on the hard disk. Whenever Bill-
Power prepares a bill, it will find this file and print it onto the
statement. This file should, of course, contain the firm's return
address. It should be created with EDIT before you try to prepare any
statements. If it is not on the disk when a statement is prepared, no
return address will be printed. If you plan to use letterhead sta-
tionery, erase M-RETADD.LTR from the hard disk and make sure that you
have entered the correct figure for the number of "Lines from paper
top to letterhead printing bottom" in the MAIN MENU's (^C)ustomize
After the return address (if such a file exists) is printed,
BillPower will print the statement date (selected by you at the time
the statements are prepared), followed by the client's name, address,
and salutation (as stored in the Case record of the case for which the
statement is being prepared). The statement date will begin in the
same column as the top line of the return address, if the return add-
ress file exists; otherwise, it will appear at the left margin. If
the format chosen for the case whose bill is being prepared ends with
a minus (eg: "6-"), then no salutation will be printed.
Between the client address and the salutation will appear a
short reference ("RE:") section, which will include the case Number
and case Name. Also included will be portions of the case record's
Miscellaneous data IF the first line of that data begins with a plus
sign (see the Miscellaneous discussion in the CASE MODULE section).
Next comes the opening portion of the bill, which should include
any remarks you wish to precede the details of the statement. An
example would be,
Following is a summary of the services we have recently
rendered in your behalf.
The opening portion must be in a file named "M-BLOPEN.LTR". M-
BLOPEN.LTR is included with the BillPower program as an example. You
may modify it with EDIT to suit your purposes.
If you do not want an opening paragraph printed on your state-
ments, erase the "M-BLOPEN.LTR" file from your hard disk.
After the opening portion is printed, BillPower will print the
statement details. This part of the statement consists of a listing
of all services, fees, disbursements, income, etc., pertaining to the
case whose statement is being prepared for a certain month.
If you are keeping a retainer or other account for the client,
that account's recent activities will be listed next. If you don't
want account information to appear on the bill, you should make sure
that the account number, as entered at the bottom of the case's edit
screen (in the CASES module), begins with an asterisk.
If you'd like a single file to handle ALL the items appearing
before a bill's transaction itemization section, use EDIT.EXE to
create a file called GENERAL.OPN. If this file exists at the time a
bill is prepared, BillPower will not even look for the return address
or opening paragraph files (M-RETADD.LTR and M-BLOPEN.LTR). Instead,
it will copy GENERAL.OPN into the top of the bill.
GENERAL.OPN will contain tilde codes for a client's name, add-
ress, case number, salutation, etc. A listing of the codes will be
shown to you if you press the F5 key while you're creating or editing
this file. For instance, the bill's date may be placed anywhere if
you use it's code, ~M. Any text or codes you place into GENERAL.OPN
will appear above the itemization section of each bill subsequently
prepared by BillPower.
The closing portion of the bill should include any remarks you
wish to follow the details of the statement. An example would be,
Please promptly pay any amount shown above as being due this
firm. Thank you.
The file containing the closing statement for a bill with a bal-
ance owed is "M-BLOWED.LTR". The file used for a bill with a zero or
credit balance is "M-BLCRDT.LTR". These files are included with the
BillPower program as examples. You may modify them with EDIT to suit
your purposes.
If you do not want a closing paragraph printed on your state-
ments, erase the appropriate ".LTR" files from your hard disk.
The signature block portion of the bill also requires a file
created by EDIT. The file name must be "M-SGNxxx.LTR", where "xxx"
are the initials of a timekeeper. For example, Fred W. Tanner's sig-
nature block file would be "M-SGNFWT.LTR", while Jerry Formy's would
be "M-SGNJF.LTR". The initials used must be consistent with those
found in the ^CUSTOMIZE module (in which you entered each timekeeper's
initials and up to six hourly rates). "M-SGNSS.LTR" (for employee Sam
Snort) is included with the program as an example.
If you do not want a signature block printed on your statements,
erase the appropriate "M-SGNxxx.LTR" files from your hard disk.
If a master record has any subordinates, the bills for the mas-
ter and its subordinates will be prepared, one after the other, be-
fore bills for any other cases are done. After each master's series
of bills is printed, a summary sheet for all its cases will also be
printed. It will list the amount due (or credit) for each case as-
signed to the master and will show a grand total. You may either
append this sheet to the back of all the bills sent to the client
whose master and subordinates have just been prepared, or you may use
it as a cover sheet for those bills.
When you enter the BILLING module, a set of Hunt Gates will
BillPower initially assumes that you intend to send prebills to
the screen, but you may change this assumption, if you wish, by al-
tering Gates J and L.
Gate K allows you to designate whether you want to bill cases set
up for Periodic Billing, Occasional Billing, or both. The default is
"Periodic" because it is those cases you will most frequently want to
bill during a mass billing.
An actual bill is one that you actually intend to send to a
client. Prebills, on the other hand, are intended to be used inter-
nally within your office. They are based upon billing format 6 (the
most informative), but they also contain some extra information not
found in their Actual Bill counterparts, such as the record number of
each transaction included in the statements. You may use this record
number to quickly locate any record that needs to be altered before an
Actual Mailing takes place. If, for instance, disbursement record 34
contains erroneous information, you may change it by editing that re-
cord in the DISBURSEMENTS module.
Date of Statement and Month Billed
Gate H should show the statement date you wish to appear on each
actual bill prepared. You should also make sure that Gate I accurate-
ly reflects the "Mon Yr" of the month whose bills you wish to pre-
pare. For example, if you are preparing January 1990's bill, Gate I
should show, "JAN 90".
NOTE pertaining to cases set up for Periodic billing:
If some of the cases whose bills you will be preparing
have billing intervals of more than one month, those bills
will be prepared only if they are due during the month
specified above. Therefore, be sure that the month you
specify is in the LATEST month which you want included in
the bills prepared. If a case is due to be billed during
that month, the bill will cover ALL months since that case's
last bill was sent.
If the last bill was prepared during the middle of the
month whose bills you now want prepared, the new bill will
cover that entire month (not just the portion of the month
which was not already billed), as well as subsequent
If a bill is not due for a case whose billing interval
is greater than one month, that case will be skipped for
billing purposes, and no bill will be prepared. Case skip-
ping occurs only in the "Actual Bill" billing mode. Pre-
billing statements, however, may be prepared for any case,
for any month, at any time. You may also force BillPower to
prepare a case's Actual Bill if you designate its Case Number
on the billing Hunt Gates screen.
Try not to prepare a case's bill for a particular month if there
is any likelihood that more work will be done for that case during
that month, unless that case is set up for Occasional (as opposed to
Periodic) billing. For example, resist sending the January bills on
19 January if you are likely to do any more work during January. If
you were to provide some services between the 19th and the 31st, you
would have to re-prepare January's bills in order to advise your cli-
ents of those services. Those services will NOT appear on your Feb-
ruary bills if January has already been billed (though January ser-
vices WILL appear on February bills if January has NOT been billed
yet). The only exception to this advice against billing for partial
months is that you may consider such a bill for a particular case if
you will not be doing any more work for that case during that month
(as would be true if the case were completed) or if that case were set
up for Occasional (not Periodic) billing.
It is recommended that you establish a routine whereby you regu-
larly prepare each month's bills at the beginning of the following
month (ie: send January's bills sometime in early February). If you
stick to this routine, your billing will run easily, without your hav-
ing to worry about the various caveats contained in this discussion.
If you resist the temptation to alter this routine in what you might
consider "special" circumstances, you will keep your billing proce-
dures uncomplicated and smooth. In those few instances when you MUST
prepare a bill at an unusual time, you can feel confident that Bill-
Power will follow your wishes. But, for the sake of keeping your in-
ternal office procedures as simple as possible, strive to do ALL your
billing one time each month.
Other Hunt Gates
The other Hunt Gates allow you to select the cases for which you
want bills prepared. For example, to bill only those cases whose last
payments were received before 22 January 1989, select item D and enter
"22 JAN 89".
However, the first time you do your billing each month, you
should do a "MASS BILLING" by leaving Hunt Gates A to G exactly as
they are initially set. Only by going through this MASS BILLING can
you insure that ALL case due to be billed actually WILL be billed.
When the Hunt Gates initially appear, they will be set to make
BillPower prepare a bill for EVERY Periodic case due for a bill. A
case is considered due if: 1) the number of months established as its
Billing Interval (in the CASES module) have elapsed since the last
bill was sent; and 2a) that case has had some activity since its last
bill was sent, or 2b) you are due some money for that case. A case
will also be billed, even if no activity has occurred since a case's
last bill, if nine or more months have elapsed since that bill was
sent or if more than a couple of months have passed since that case
was opened.
MONTH. If the program ever prepares a bill that you didn't specifi-
cally request, it will be because that case is in danger of exceeding
nine months without having been billed.
First Case to be Prepared
After you press F6 to begin the hunt, you may be asked to des-
ignate which MasterRcrd's bills are to be prepared first. BillPower
initially assumes that you want to start with the first one in the
file, but you may change this assumption by entering the masterRcrd
Number of the case with which you wish to begin. In most cases, you
should simply press RET to ignore the prompt (and allow BillPower to
stick with its first-case assumption). But occasionally, you will
want to start somewhere other than at the beginning of the file.
Setting the Print Mode and Aligning the Paper
You will next be asked whether the printer is turned on. If you
want the bills displayed on the screen, answer with an "N"; otherwise,
answer "Y". If you answer affirmatively, you will be given the op-
portunity to select the print mode, using the buttons on the face of
your printer (assuming your printer has this feature). If your are
happy with the default printer settings, or if you have given Bill-
Power (in the CUSTOMIZING THE PROGRAM section) a series of codes to
send the printer before preparing bills, you may wish to ignore this
Next, you should align the paper in the printer. Make sure that
the print head is one inch below the top of the first sheet of paper.
Even if you are using letterhead, you must follow this instruction
(one inch below the PAPER TOP, not below the letterhead). If you are
using letterhead, though, you should have told BillPower (in the CUS-
TOMIZING routine) how many lines there are to the bottom of the let-
terhead printing.
Cases set for Occasional Billing
When BillPower encounters a case set up for billing under the
Occasional method, it will first ask itself whether the case has been
billed previously. If not, a first bill will be printed.
If a bill has been prepared previously, the screen will clear and
BillPower will offer you the opportunity to designate which period you
wish to bill. You may elect to prepare a new bill for only those
transactions falling after the last date billed, or you may elect to
re-prepare any of up to ten prior bills.
To prepare a brand new bill, just tap RET.
To re-prepare a prior bill, use the arrow keys to specify the
earliest date you want to appear on the bill about to be prepared.
BillPower will identify which of the earlier bills you wish to prepare
by comparing the date you specify to the earliest date covered by each
bill. Then, you'll be asked whether the bill about to be prepared is
to span only the original bill's period, or whether you want this to
be a special bill that covers everything from the beginning date you
specified, through TODAY.
The top of a pre-bill will show selected items reflecting the
case's current status. Such items include the current balance, which
may differ from the final balance shown at the bottom of the bill
(since the end of the month being billed will probably be earlier
than the current date). The pre-bill will also contain a reference
to the record number of each item reflected thereon. If you need to
change an item, you will know exactly which record to edit before the
actual bill is sent.
The bottom of the pre-bill may contain a reminder ("Apply ...
___") to apply funds in the client's account to his debt. The remin-
der may also be to the effect that you should consider charging the
client the agreed upon fixed or contingent fee or to charge the client
interest. If you wish to apply the funds about which you are being
reminded, put a check mark in the blank space, so that your secretary
will know that an appropriate record needs to be entered before the
Actual Bills are prepared. For instance, if it were now time to
charge the client the agreed-upon fixed fee, you would check "Apply
Fixed Fee ___". Your secretary would then know that she has to make a
service/fee entry for that case in the amount of the fixed fee before
the Actual Bill for that case is prepared; otherwise, the fixed fee
will not be charged.
A pre-bill will show ALL the pertinent data for each transac-
tion, even though the actual bill prepared for the same case may be
prepared in a less detailed format and may have some information sup-
pressed or expanded. Abbreviations MAY appear as such on pre-bills,
but actual bills will spell out the items being abbreviated. Actual
bills will not show items intended to be hidden, such as items whose
descriptions begin with asterisks, but pre-bills will show them. The
pre-bill is not intended to be a perfect reflection of the actual
bill, but rather an informative tool to help you review what has been
done during the period being billed.
As you screen the items on a pre-bill, you may select some for
editing, some for omission, and some for deferred billing. If you
select a transaction for deferred billing, you may call the pertinent
record to the screen in the appropriate Edit mode and press F7. Pres-
sing F7 will result in that record's being skipped during actual bil-
ling for the month in which the transaction took place. After the
actual billing takes place, you will have the opportunity to forward
the record to the current month's file, so that it will be picked up
during the next billing cycle (unless, of course, it is again tagged
for deferral when the current month is billed).
If the month you're billing now IS the current month, you won't
be able to forward the deferred transactions to a future month's
files, since they don't exist yet. Therefore, you must be sure to go
through a SORT (in the ^Utilities module) for this month before you do
bills for any future months. The act of chronologically sorting any
month's records automatically forwards deferred items to the current
month. This should present you no problems, since you will probably
want to conduct a sort just before you do billing, anyway.
You should avoid having a bill prepared for a month preceding
one for which another bill has already been prepared. For example,
if February's bill has already been prepared, and you subsequently
have January's prepared again, you will also have to re-prepare Feb-
ruary's. The reason for this is that the beginning balance for the
bill already prepared for February will have been based upon the en-
ding balance for the January bill already prepared. If you were now
to go back and change January's bill, the January ending balance
might not be the same as it had been before. Therefore, the begin-
ning balance for the February bill already prepared might no longer
be accurate. Only if you prepare February's (and any other succeed-
ing month's) bill again, will all beginning and ending balances be-
come consistent again.
BillPower will sometimes prepare statements that contain the nota-
tion, "**** UPDATED COPY ****". The reason is that, after having
prepared an (A)ctual statement for a case, you have subsequently
altered the transaction data base upon which that statement was foun-
ded. Assume, for instance, that, on February 20, you prepare a
JAN89-FEB89 bill for the SMITJO1 case. Then, on February 26, you
enter a new service for that case. When BillPower takes in that new
service, it will realize that the bill already prepared for February
(the JAN89-FEB89 bill) will need to be redone, to reflect the new
February entry. Therefore, the next time you do a bill for SMITJO1,
that bill will automatically include the period JAN89-FEB89, so that
the client will be informed of the change.
Even if you waited until May to prepare the next bill,
January and February would be included in that bill. Bill-
Power would automatically set the period of that bill to
"FEB89-MAY89", thus insuring inclusion the new transaction.
To help keep the client from becoming confused at receiving a second
bill covering a period for which a bill has already been received,
the phrase, "UPDATED COPY", will be printed on the statement.
If you like, you may develop your own billing formats. Each will
consist of three files (developed with EDIT.EXE). The first will
contain your return address, date, client's address, salutation and
opening paragraph. The second will contain the format for the bill's
transaction itemization. The third will contain your closing para-
graph, signature block, etc. Your three files will contain tilde
codes, so that BillPower will know where to substitute what data from
the case and transaction files. Most of the tilde codes may be seen
if you press the F5 key when using EDIT.EXE to create each file.
All three files are named after the format number you wish to
assign to the data they contain. For instance, if the three files
were for billing format 15, they would be named, "15.OPN", "15.ITM",
and "15.CLS", respectively. Note that the first file must end with
".OPN", the second with ".ITM", and the third with ".CLS". BillPower
comes with three example files for billing format 11. As you might
guess, they are called "11.OPN", "11.ITM", and "11.CLS". You should
use those files as models for whatever billing formats you develop.
The ITM file you set up must be IDENTICAL in general layout to the
11.ITM file. Every line beginning with a left curly bracket, "{",
must be preserved. The only items you may change are on the lines
immediately following those beginning with curly brackets. It would
be a good idea to copy 11.ITM into your new ITM file when you first
begin setting it up. After the 11.ITM file has been copied into the
new ITM file, you may then modify it to suit your needs. To copy any
file into a new file, go to the top line of the new file and press
Ctrl-K, followed by "R"; then, name the file you wish to copy.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
The M-LBCODE.DAT file contains three types of information, all
conforming to the same general format. It holds a listing of each
1) service code, 2) income category, and 3) expense category. Each
line in the file consists of an abbreviation (from 1 to 3 characters
long) and a description of what the abbreviation means. Other option-
al items are also included, as described below. You are encouraged to
change this file with EDIT, so that it fits your needs exactly.
Go to EDIT (to examine M-LBCODE.DAT) by pressing ^E when the MAIN
MENU is displayed. When the EDIT menu is on the screen, press `E'
(for "Expense/Income/Service" file) to modify M-LBCODE.DAT.
The file may have a total of up to 200 lines. The items in each
line must be lined up EXACTLY, and each line must end with a carriage
RETurn. The abbreviation may be from one to three characters in
length and must begin in column 1. A description of what is being
abbreviated should begin in column 6, 7, 8 or 9, and may extend to
column 30. The TAB key will help you align your data.
You may have blank lines which contain no information, and you
may have lines containing headings, but you may have no more than 200
Income/Expense Category Numbers
If you are using a line for an income or expense description,
the third item (beginning at column 33) may be the income or expense
category, and the first item (the abbreviation) may be left blank if
you wish. The category may be any number between 1 and 9999. Do not
use zero. Begin your category entry at column 33. If it is an income
category, begin the entry with "I-"; if it is an expense category,
begin it with "E-". For example, an income category is represented by
"I-1001", while "E-2054" represents an expense category. Do NOT use
the same numbers for both expense and income categories. For ins-
tance, do not designate both these categories: I-2054 and E-2054. And
DO NOT USE FRACTIONS to designate categories -- only WHOLE numbers are
Optional Category Levels
[Omitted to save space]
Optional Service Rates
[Omitted to save space]
The M-LBAREA.DAT file supplied with BillPower contains a listing
of the areas of business. You should edit this file to fit your
needs. It should consist of no more than 24 lines (make sure that no
blank lines remain at the end of the file). Each line may be up to 77
characters long. Unlike the M-LBCODE.DAT file, you are not required
to line up certain information within M-LBAREA.DAT. You may arrange
the file any way you want, as long as the 24 X 77 limits mentioned
above are not violated.
The best numbering system is one that allows you to easily re-
member each case or account number. It is recommended that such a
number consist of the first four or five letters from the client's
last name and the first two or three letters from his first. Under
this system, the case number for the first case you handle for John
Smith would be SMITJO1. The second case for Mr. Smith would be SMIT-
Also decide upon a consistent pattern for numbering your ac-
counts. It is recommended that you begin the number of each account
belonging to the same class of accounts with the same short alphanu-
meric sequence. For instance, you could begin all accounts pertain-
ing to the firm's assets with "A-" (eg: "A-BIGSOFA"). You could
start the numbers of all accounts payable with "P-" (eg: "P-AT&T").
All client accounts (such as trusts and retainers) could begin with
"C-" (eg: "C-SMITJO1"), and so, on.
If you follow a consistent pattern in numbering accounts, you
will be able to sort through your records during (H)unts for particu-
lar categories of accounts. To find all records pertaining to ANY
asset, for instance, you would define the Account Number Hunt Gate as
"A-". When you pressed F6 to begin the hunt, BillPower would find all
records pertaining to the A-BIGSOFA, A-TYPWRT#1, A-CHAIR#1, etc., ac-
counts, but it would not find anything on the C-SMITJO1 account. Of
course, if you had carelessly named a client account something like
"C-SMITPA-1", it would also be picked up in the hunt for physical as-
set account information, since it would also contain the character
sequence, "A-". Try to limit the use of hyphens and other delimiters
(such as "/",":", and ",") to character sequences at the beginning of
account numbers.
You may establish sub-categories of accounts. If, for instance,
you wanted furniture to be a sub-category of assets ("A-", remember?),
you could begin all such accounts with "FA-" (where "F" is for "fur-
niture" and "A" is for "assets"). Equipment might be in the "EA-"
category. A hunt for all accounts containing "A-" would find FA-BIG-
SOFA, FA-CHAIR, EA-TYPWRT#1, and A-GENERAL, among others (since each
of those "numbers" contains "A-"). But if you wanted to hunt for only
"FA-" accounts, then only the FA-BIGSOFA and FA-CHAIR accounts would
be found.
If you intend to use BillPower with cases or accounts that were
opened before you obtained BillPower, you will have to enter their
data into BillPower's files. You should set up the records for these
accounts and cases in the same manner as for your new ones. Likewise,
you should enter transactions just as you do with your new ones.
Treat them in every respect in the manner that you treat your new ac-
counts and cases, except as described below.
Normally, when BillPower prepares a bill, it will include a bal-
ance brought forward from the preceding month. However, when you
FIRST BEGIN using the program, its data base will contain no infor-
mation about what the balance was at the end of the last month (or ANY
information at all, for that matter). The first transaction you enter
for each case, therefore, should be the balance brought forward from
your manual (or old computer) system. If the client owes you money,
you should enter the amount as a SERVICE; if you owe him money, it
should be an ADJUSTMENT (of the "write-off" variety). In either case,
the service/adjustment's description should be something like,
"Balance prior to computerized billing." The first bill prepared will
contain this entry, instead of the usual "balance-forward" line (which
will be found on subsequent bills).
Under no circumstances should a transaction entry for
any case be dated more than three months prior to the actual
date you entered that CASE into BillPower's data base.
Previously-opened accounts also need to be opened with BillPower.
Go to the GENERAL LEDGER module and (M)ake a deposit for each such ac-
count. The deposit should be in the amount of the current account
balance. That's all there is to it. If, for some reason, there is a
negative balance in an account, you will have to enter it as a with-
drawal (instead of a deposit).
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.
[To save space, most of this section is omitted. The full
documentation you receive when you register will have the complet
To prime BillPower for pop-up service, simply enter "BP MR",
instead of the usual "BP", at the DOS prompt. If that doesn't
work, you'll need to copy the BP.BAT to a file called BPMR.BAT
and modify the new file. BP.BAT should be used for standard use,
while BPMR.BAT will be used for invoking BillPower as a pop-up.
Now, find the line in BPMR.BAT that starts with "billpowr". The
tenth parameter following "billpowr" should be "mr". If you need
to "pad" the line with any other parameters, make each of them an
"x". Examples:
billpowr x x x x JJ AWB F:\MANAGEX F:\AWB x mr
billpowr x x x x x x x x x mr
Each example shows the use of dummy "x" parameters.
To save disk space, this section has been omitted. The
documentation you receive when you register will be complete.